Friday, April 10, 2020

Let’s Cook Together 3

Easter will feel a little different this year for all of us.  But, even if its just 2 people, there are ways to make it still feel like a holiday.  A special recipe can be the easiest way to create a holiday feeling and this year, breakfast while you watch an online Easter service, might be what memories are made of.

This recipe for  Baked French Toast with Streusel Topping is so easy and delicious you will want to  keep it handy to make again and again.  Aren’t the best recipes the ones that look and taste extraordinary, but are really the most simple to prepare?   (Original publication date April 29, 2013)

I make this sugar free by using Splenda brown sugar.  But, you can use regular as well.  Serve with some fruit on the side and a mimosa in a pretty glass and most important, have a truly blessed Easter morning safe at home.  Let me know if you make this!


  1. Thank you. That looks so delicious. Happy and Blessed Easter

  2. That looks delicous. I wanted to get a ham for Easter, but I had difficulty getting a grocery order, I've been trying for over a week. I set the alarm for midnight, 2 and 4 am last night and finally at 4 am I got a pickup time for Monday! Late for the ham and the store is over an hour away. My normal one still has no times available. So, we'll have whatever I find in the freezer for Easter dinner and be glad to have it!

  3. Funny GMA just showed making french toast:) Yours looks YUMMY! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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