Monday, April 6, 2020

Making Me Smile

In the past few weeks since being home 24/7, I have purchased a few things for delivery that have made me smile.  And, I fight for smiles these days.  There is nothing big, that will break the bank, but things that make the day to day a little more pleasant.

Because I spend a good part of my day in my bathing suit and it’s heating up here, I ordered a light, sleeveless coverup to use if I need to go outside in the front, where its a little more public than on my lanai. I have a few others, but they have long sleeves and are not comfortable this time of year.

One of my weaknesses is pretty dishes and these bunny plates from Pottery Barn were on sale and speaking my name.  I have been using them for my morning toast the past week and they definitely make me smile as Easter approaches.  I also will use them for dessert at our Easter dinner for two.

Thinking ahead to the hair situation that all of us are going to be experiencing soon, I ordered a fun headband to give me some help when the highlights start disappearing.  Or, just a change of look, because I am getting a little bored with all the repeat casual clothes every day.

Finally, a couple tropical candles are the perfect stay at home accessory.  Dinner, a cocktail and a
candle burning have become the perfect end to these stay at home days.

Happy Monday and stay home and stay safe.


  1. I love all of your fun purchases. I haven't bought anything for weeks except a few groceries for pick up last week. We're saving lots of money by not eating out at all. I don't remember the last time we went a week with no going out!

  2. I had to laugh -- oh, to have highlights disappear! My problem with the headband is if I pull back my hair the ever-increasing gray around the hairline stands out! I love that you bought things that made you happy. I bought a couple of things like that. And they did exactly that!

    1. I have tricks for fixing the highlights that I will have to pull out eventually. I imagine even when things open back up a hair appointment will be hard to come by!

  3. Love the headband, no hairdresser lately so I need one of those:) I have been ordering things too:) Saving money on gas but spending it on-line shopping, hehe. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

    1. Luckily I don’t have gray to cover - that requires a bit more effort!

  4. Beautiful plates, and I love that headband! I usually don't buy things on-line when I'm home but since we've been quarantined I'm starting to buy summer clothes. Like you, nothing that would break the bank but just some cute tunics and tank tops for when the weather really warms up here.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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