Friday, July 3, 2020

Egg Roll in a Bowl

Want a simple, quick recipe that is also delicious (and low carb)?  This recipe for Egg Roll in a Bowl checks all the boxes.  What drew me to this particular version (there are a lot out there) is that it is made with ground chicken instead of ground pork.  I will eat ground pork, but I much prefer chicken.

The recipe goes together quick, in one pot and the only thing I had to buy, besides the chicken and coleslaw mix, was sesame oil.  After eating it, I would recommend one change.  There could have been a bit more sauce to coat the chicken, so next time I would add more soy sauce at that stage of the recipe.  I served this with coconut shrimp on the side and the combination was perfect.

I love Chinese food and all the flavors, but don’t always like what in does to my blood sugar numbers, so this is a healthy version that I will make again and again.

Happy 4th and God Bless America!


  1. That looks delicious! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!


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