Friday, January 7, 2022



January is my least favorite month, but it’s not all bad, especially not having to deal with snow and cold now that I live in Florida.  Here is what I have been up to so far.


Firekeeper’s Daughter - My sister recommended a YA book and while I was hesitant, when I discovered it was set in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, I was sold.  And, it may well be my favorite book I read this year.  It has great Native American characters, an interesting setting and a mystery involving drugs and the FBI. When it becomes a future Netflix series as scheduled, it will be fabulous.


There is something cathartic about the New Year and putting away Christmas.  I feel like everything is in the proper place and I have the “white space” I need back.  A small thing, but very helpful, is my mission yesterday to unsubscribe from all those Christmas shopping emails I added to get discounts.  


December was the dinner party that wasn’t due to caution with Covid exposures, so I finally cooked the meal (just for us) that I shopped for and tried to make twice.  The main dish was a favorite Skinnytaste recipe (Butternut Squash Lasagna Rolls with Spinach) and I highly recommend.  It has great flavor and a beautiful presentation when traditional lasagna can look messy to serve.  


My oldest daughter was of the age that loved and got caught up in the Harry Potter books and movies and we did many midnight book releases and movie premieres.  Looking back, it was magical and fun for me too and I am thankful to have read and loved all the books right along with her.  I watched the Harry Potter 20th reunion on HBO Max and thought it was very well done and quite fascinating.  I may have even shed a tear.


My beauty routine is quite basic, but as I age, there are things that can be done with very little effort.  I have been using Bliss That’s Incredi-peel once a week and my skin is thanking me.  You just wipe on your face after cleansing and right before bedtime then you wake up in the morning with seriously soft skin.  It’s low glycolic acid, so only stings a bit when you apply and gives me less concern of doing something like this at home.  The price at Ulta was great too, compared to what the salesperson was trying to get me to buy.

Happy Januarying!



  1. What a fun post, Vicki -- it sounds like your year is off to a good start. I was going to leave the big tree up till the weekend but it decided it wanted to come down itself when it began to tip! I have my work cut out for me today, moving furniture back and some serious vacuuming! Happy weekend.

  2. Thanks for the tip on the skin care, I do everything I can to help my aging skin:) Enjoy your day, it's cold here this morning and I'll be staying in doing some cleaning/organizing! HUGS!

  3. Twenty year reunion! Say it isn't so. Now I feel old. Our entire family enjoyed Harry Potter together. We went as a family to see each movie as it was released. We did the same thing with Lord of the Rings. We had read the Lotr books 45 years ago when no one had heard of them! Our kids liked them just as much and read our original copies several times. Since we never go to the movies, the fact that we went as a family to see these two series meant a lot.
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. I recently rewatched and they have held up for a new generation to love them too. And of course the books are forever.

  4. I think it is time that I start watching Harry Potter. I have never but I hear so many amazing things....I may check it out this weekend. Happy Friday! HUGS

    1. I am jealous you still get to experience it for the first time!

  5. Sounds as though you are keeping yourself busy being constructive..I have only seen bits and pieces of Harry Potter..probably should do the whole thing..Happy New year to you and your family..

    1. Today I updated some flower pots, but that’s fun for me.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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