Thursday, May 5, 2022

Family Hike in Texas


The day after the wedding in Lubbock, we planned a hike for the whole group and there ended up being 14 who braved the desert sun in Palo Duro Canyon.  It was quite the experience and definitely not an easy hike, with many elevation changes, loose rocks and being close to the edge of the canyon in most spots.  But, the views were incredible and we all did it together and encouraged each other along the way.

After the hike, because “when in Texas”, we found an authentic Texas barbecue joint, just outside Amarillo and had our fill of brisket and ribs.  We lived in Dallas many years ago and I have missed everything about Texas, but maybe the food the most.

Coming from Florida which is fully green and tropical, the dusty desert of West Texas was like traveling to the moon.  We all commented on how amazing that one country can have such different, but beautiful landscape. It made me thankful for the opportunity to travel and experience new places.  And, doing it with family, was the best part.


  1. Yes, we have quie a variety of climate here...Nice to do things like that with family..Happy Cinco de Mayo..

    1. Wish I was still in Texas eating some good Tex Mex for Cinco de Mayo!

  2. Wow! Young and old alike. I love a family multi generational hike. Bravo!

    1. We are an active family - no sitting around for us (unless in involves a patio and drinks lol)

  3. It looks like a lovely time. We have been doing our fair share of hiking around London and in the countryside at a few castles and at Cambridge. So much to see but nothing as good as staying home listening to the city sounds and snuggling our brand new granddaughter! Family is the best!
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. I would love to walk around London in the spring. Sounds lovely!

  4. Oh how fun! There are so many beautiful sites to see. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

    1. It was fun! Showed me I can still do adventurous things too!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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