Friday, May 13, 2022

May Book Club


My neighborhood book club met for the last time this “season” during the first week in May and had a very animated discussion about our book choice - The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah.  As book clubs sometimes do, the discussion went on a bit of a tangent and got a little too political for my taste in that setting, but there were some topical themes dealing with immigration that I’m not sure the author intended when it was written.

I did like the book and I was happy about that since I find this author hit or miss.  The Great Alone is one of my all time favorites, while some of her others are too close to traditional romance novels.  The main theme of the story is the survival of a family in the dustbowl era.  It begins in West Texas (almost exactly where I just traveled to, so that was interesting) and ends in southern California.  Many harrowing things occur, but the characters are well written and that time in history is something I was only slightly familiar with and the author’s detail was strong. 

All that said, the ending was a weak point for me, because it felt way too far fetched.  But, don’t let that stop you from reading this, because the other ninety nine percent is worth your reading time.

Happy Friday!


  1. Hi Vicki! I read it awhile ago and thought it was too long. But I did enjoy it. Have a good weekend! PS You live in Florida... of course it gets political!

    1. For sure - Florida is the epicenter of all things political lol
      I just don’t want to discuss immigration with my neighbors!

  2. I am sure you will look forward to the next book club meeting next season. Nope, I don't discuss my political views, just not going to do it:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. I also loved The Great Alone-one of my favorites. My daughter and my mom both read The Four Winds and didn't care for it. I won't get into why, but if you read it you probably know lol. We just read We Begin At The End in our book club, and it was a good read.

    1. Like I said, she is definitely a hit or miss author for me. We just picked our books for next year’s book club and 3 of my suggestions were voted in the top lol. The leader had to recruit volunteers to lead the discussion. Thanks for the recommendation - it sounds familiar, but don’t think I have read.

  4. I totally agree with you re: Four Winds. I liked it but I loved The Great Alone! I did feel like I learned something after reading Four Winds, so that was a plus!


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