Tuesday, August 30, 2022

2 Ingredient Pull Apart Cinnamon Apple Bake


I’m not going to tell you what to do, but run do not walk to your store and buy cinnamon rolls and apple pie filling to make this asap :-) 

I don’t remember where I saw this method, so I can’t give credit, but recently added the two ingredients to my shopping list and decided to make it before golf this morning.  It’s now raining, so no golf, but I really enjoyed how easy and quick this was and how delicious too.

To make:  Cut refrigerated cinnamon rolls in quarters.  In a medium bowl, mix gently with 1 can apple pie filling.  Pour in 9x11 pan (coated generously with baking spray) and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.  Turn up oven to 375 degrees and bake 10 more minutes or until brown on top.  Cool slightly and spread frosting included with cinnamon rolls on the top.



  1. I made this last night!!! Awesome!!

  2. Me again…jmac.
    Can anyone tell me why my comments are identified any more???

    1. If I had to guess, check that your google account email is what you comment as. It must be set somewhere that you comment as anonymous.

  3. This sounds delicious... thanks for sharing!

  4. That sounds SO good. I'll have to try this soon.

  5. Sounds great...MAy have to try it! I'll have to share it with the neighbors or I will eat it all..

  6. I wish you hadn't shared this. It could be big trouble!!!


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