Thursday, August 31, 2023

Hurricane Aftermath


Just a quick post on my thoughts on going through another hurricane.  First, we were lucky that it remained more like a tropical storm for us here in Southwest Florida and did not make a turn. But, the storm surge was pretty significant for the coastal areas with some roads washed out and street flooding.  I was worried about one of our favorite areas - St. Armands Circle, but to my amazement they just posted the waters have receded and all will be open at noon.  That is the thing about Florida.  Hurricane prep and hurricane clean up are second nature, efficient and quick.  Obviously it’s not as simple for other parts of the state, but still things are getting done.  The bridges are open to all the barrier islands, power has been restored to hundreds of thousands and help from first responders is there.  We are lucky to have a leader like Governor DeSantis and he is truly amazing during these stressful times.


  1. I'm glad you are well and safe.

  2. That is good news about your area and how prep pays off. I admire your governor. The governor of my state is simply awful so count your blessings.

    1. We are fortunate to have him. He is a hot button now to people, but he works hard and gets things done. There is a reason so many people are moving to FL, politics aside.

  3. Good news that all is ok in your area! It is reassuring to feel like your governor "has your back." I feel the same way in Texas.

  4. I'm so glad that you're doing okay. I agree with the other comments about your governor. He sounds like he really cares and knows how to get things done.

    1. They already have trailers in place for those who lost homes. Day 3.

  5. Happy to hear that things are well with you..Have a fun Labor Day weeked..

  6. SO thankful that you all are ok and that your favorite spot is getting back to normal. Floridians are tough and I pray the ones with major damage get all the help they need. HUGS

    1. Power completely restored by tomorrow. Lots to do for those hit hardest, but it is amazing how fast it can be done with the proper resources.

  7. When is DeSantis going to take care of ravaged Panama City & Ft. Myers Beach? He left when the cameras left.

    1. Ft. Myers and my area just to the north were hit hard by Ian in a much more populated location. It will take years and that was obvious from the start.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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