Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pool Days

My daughters and I went to our pool on Friday and it was just about perfection. It was one of those summer days where the sky is so blue it looks like a painting. It was one of those days, we in the cold north dream about, when we are freezing and the sky is gray for day after day in the winter. We dream of a lounge chair by the pool, the smell of sunscreen, a good book to read and a drink in our hand.

It was nice having some relaxing time with Megan and Melissa without their busy work and school schedules getting in the way. At this stage in our lives, I try to appreciate every moment spent with them. We are at the stage of life where there is less conflict and more friendship. Believe me, it took some time to get there, but sometimes they need to leave home for a while to find that Mom isn't so annoying after all :)



  1. I'm on the other side of the "mom is annoying" part, since mine are too little for that yet. I dread it, though! I love them thinking I'm hilarious and amazing. :) Sounds like you come out of it ok, though! I'm happy to be your newest follower via the Mom's Mingle, and would love a visit back at! :)

    1. Don't dread it. The early teen years can be rough, but they are busy and fly by. I am enjoying having an older teen (19) and young adult (22). I feel it is the pay off for the toddler days :)

  2. Hi, coming over via the Monday Mingle bloghop! These moments with the kids are always so fleeting! Glad you are relishing them!

    1. I enjoy reading the blogs about the little ones. It brings back some good memories :)

  3. Thanks for following and commenting. I will visit you blog too :)

  4. ! What a touching post, Vicki! If your daughter were to read this post, I’m pretty sure she’ll hug you and shower you with kisses. It’s a good thing that you have this gorgeous pool to enjoy some mother-daughter bonding. It is, indeed, such a great pleasure for moms to spent time with their children. After all, they don’t stay as children. They will grow old eventually.

    Cathy Newman

  5. Awww! I love the idea of being on the side of motherhood when your kids are more friend-like! As an old mama to a three-year old, I look forward to the days when he's willing to relax with me!

  6. I am living on both ends. My daughter is married and I know exactly what you mean. We have become friends now that she is an adult. I also have little ones ages 6 and 4 and still have to go through their phase of finding me annoying before we too, become friends. lol That pool looks wonderful. Makes we long for summer time to get here again. (talu)

  7. That is a great stage to be in when mom isn't so it! Glad you had this great day!


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