Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday...books, reality tv, etc.

Things I'm thinking about today.

  • We finally got some rain in Michigan! I guess if you blog about it - it will happen ;-)
  • I'm a little late to the party when it comes to the Hunger Games books. I tend to resist any kind of book series that everyone is reading. But, I won a gift bag In a silent auction at my daughter's sorority house and The Hunger Games book was included in it. I decided to put it in my pool bag and give it a try. To my surprise, I enjoyed it a lot. I didn't find some of the characters extremely likable, but the concept of the games was compelling and the details of the settings and characters were well written. While Katniss is definitely a heroic and intelligent character, her emotions left me a little cold. Only with Rue and her sister could the reader see what she was capable of feeling. Should I see the movie?

  • Is anyone watching Real Housewives of NYC? I am enjoying it so far. The conflict is silly and not really that hurtful. Carole is one smart lady and I enjoy her take on the other women. It is fun to see someone finally put the Countess in her place. A princess does trump a countess in reality tv land!
  • I am so happy the Orange County Housewives are done. I think it is time for me to walk away from this one. Instead of making me laugh, the fighting began to stress me out. There is too much glee on the women's face's (especially Tamara) when they say things to hurt one another.
  • Who is looking forward to the Bachelorette finale? I do read the spoilers (my lips are sealed here) so I know who Emily is rumored to pick :-)
  • I went to lunch with a friend today for a late birthday celebration. We went to a new restaurant, had a glass of wine and relaxed and talked for a few hours. Isn't there something so special about time spent with your girlfriends. No worries, just girl talk about everything under the sun. And the wine is a bonus!



  1. Thank you for the follow! My daughter just gave me the Hunger Games to read...haven't got there yet, but I will. Looking forward to reading your blog.

  2. Hi there.. I'm a fellow Michigan blogger, love those Tigers! Following from the Mingle :)

    If you'd like, stop by my blog and check out the summer giveaway I'm doing.. Have an excellent week!

  3. Hi Vicki! It sounds like we are in the same stage of life and have a lot in common. I love to read and I love my reality tv. I watch all of the housewive shows. They are getting a little stale to me. Lunch time wine with friends is the best. Enjoy your day!

    1. Hope you will keep reading and commenting. You are right about the housewives - but I will probably keep watching :-/

  4. Haha - yes, I guess our blog posts yesterday about the lack of rain finally conjured some us! I will admit I have never been so happy for a long, slow rainy day! We got a couple of thunderstorms yesterday morning too and my critters just stood out in it. :)

  5. I am a Hunger Games fan, too! Not insane, but I enjoyed the concept!

  6. I tend to agree with you; I don't like reading "popular" books (I was on the Harry Potter train, but I feel like it was hard not to be, they were that good)! I didn't really love Hunger Games as much as everybody else either; it's clear they are young adult books because there is very little character development. Wah wah.

    I also agree with you on RHOOC! I loved them until this season when it's all.about.fighting. Can't we all just get along?!

    :) Thanks for linking up, Vicki!

    1. I loved the Harry Potter books too. The Hunger Games do not compare.

      For the RHOOC it has become about Tamara and her sidekicks picking someone to fight with each season. No thanks!

      Thanks for the comment :-)

  7. YES you should see the movie! (with me and mel..of course)

  8. Definitely see the Hunger Games is so entertaining! Have a wonderfulw weekend! Angie xo

  9. I'm the same as you with books that everyone is reading. Those are such good books though! Happy you guys got some rain. I've got tons of rain in Seattle for you whenever you feel like some extra! :) Happy Thursday!

    1. Thanks! The sun is out today and everything looks clean and fresh after the rain :-)

  10. Found you (and am now a follower) thru the blog hop. My daughter is a HUGE Hunger Games fan! I need to read the books. I did see the movie and enjoyed it. I hear the books are awesome!

    1. Seeing the movie soon. Thanks for reading and commenting :)

  11. I'm not really a housewives girl but I do like (to the chagrin of my husband) the bachelor and bachelorette. Tonight is the finale and I haven't read any spoilers. I did with the last bachelor and it took something away from the end. I have a bottle of wine chilled and some chips and salsa ready for the 8 oclock finale. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am following you now. Patty

    1. I went to a finale viewing party :-). Thanks for reading. I love your blog!

  12. So happy to hear you're from Michigan. I'm originally from Windsor and love your great state! My husband loves it as well (he's originally from Northern Ontario and won't shop in Canada anymore since he discovered all the Michigan shopping).

    Thanks for the follow and am following you back. I also love reality TV and can't wait to read more.

    One Chic Mom

    1. Thanks! I was just in Canada near Grand Bend. It was so beautiful on Lake Huron, but the border crossing is too slow.

  13. Hi Vicki, I'm a huge Real Housewives fan and several other Bravo shows. And I agree - so nice to have Carole on the show this season. After last weeks preview of what's to come, it should be an interesting season to watch.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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