Monday, December 17, 2012

Book Club Christmas Dinner

Tomorrow, I will be joining the blogging community for a day of silence and prayer to support the Sandy Hook victims. Today, I will continue with a regular post, because I believe another way to honor the victims is to continue everyday life and not let evil triumph <3

My book club celebrated Christmas last week with a lovely catered dinner at one of our member's homes. It was a great idea to cater the meal, because it saved both our hostess, as well as all of us, the added work of preparing a dish to share. We had delicious salmon, chicken fettuccini, green beans and salad. Our generous hostess made a buche de noel cake and a Triple Berry Crisp for our dessert.

The table was pretty and very festive and these place cards were adorable. She cut a tree branch, drilled a hole, then inserted a sprig of an evergreen branch, with a star denoting each name. Simple, yet beautiful.

For our gift exchange, we each brought wrapped gift with a favorite thing inside. When a friend picked our gift, we each told the story of why it was our favorite. It was a wonderful way to connect with each other and hear about something important in the life of a friend.

The Christmas spirit of friendship was alive and well at our Book Club Christmas dinner - sharing stories and laughter amongst true friends.



  1. It's times like this we can be so consumed with sadness I believe we must go on in order to heal. Looks like a wonderful festive time. I love the idea behind the gift. Have a wonderful week....I'm happy to have my girl home to hold tighter as I'm sure you are too!

  2. It is a sad time in our country for sure. I found it hard to be excited for the wedding this weekend when those poor families in Connecticut were grieving as they were. It truly impacted this nation. Your book club party looks like so much fun. A relaxing evening for sure.

  3. What a wonderful gathering of friends! Love her decorations!

    I personally feel that it is good to see positive "pretty" things in a world so full of evil so we are reminded that there is still good in the world. I do think these times call for simpler posts with an acknowledgement of what is going on in Connecticut by sharing our sorrow. When we continue on immediately after without a thought about the tragedy on our blogs, it seems kind of shallow. In a way, I feel we have a responsibility as "public" spokespersons.

    With that said, I so appreciate your words and the sharing of friendship gatherings!

  4. Hi Vicki, I enjoyed your post. What a nice party! I love the placecard holders! Merry Christmas, Vicki.


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