Friday, March 1, 2013



The time of day that I cherish the most, is the early morning. The house is quiet, with a stillness not found during the rest of the day. As I drink my coffee, it is a time to reflect on how this new day will go, as well as reflect on how the day before has gone.


When I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, I learned that when food becomes your medicine, each morning, with every meal ahead of you, becomes a new chance, to either do better or celebrate the success of the day before. Healthy eating is a lifestyle and and each day is a chance to live that lifestyle to its fullest potential.


Every morning, I am optimistic that this day will be a good one. That there is the possibility to change the way you react to those around you and the way you approach problems. You can learn from how the day before went and begin with a fresh slate.


The mornings give you hope. I try to never bring the problems that occurred the day before to this new day. I leave the stress in the past and try to accept each day as an opportunity and a challenge. I take a deep breath, say a prayer and begin again.

Have a great weekend!


Linking with Kelly's Korner, A Day In The Life



  1. Oh yes, a new day:) Love mornings here too! Sometimes my mornings last all the way to lunch:) Have a blessed day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  2. I loved your inspirational quotes! I love mornings and feeling hopeful about the day ahead!

    Have a great weekend!


  3. I love mornings too - coffee, tea, oatmeal, caring for my pets, learning what is going on in my world (Today show). Here is an author unknown quote I love: This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place something you have left behind...let it be good.
    xo Beth

  4. What a wonderful philosophy. I too, love my mornings and cherish the time after hubs and I finish our morning walk. He heads on to work and most days, I return home to do just what you've described. Treasured moments, indeed!

  5. Oh I love that it is what I try to do too. It does work well most of the time. B

  6. What a beautiful post, and very true words and sentiments. I love mornings, when I can get up early enough to still say it is morning (lol). My favorite meal is breakfast, which is always my healthiest meal. I seem to mess up as the day goes on...........xo

  7. I have always loved the early mornings! Especially when the kids were little. It was the nice and quiet before the hectic day began.

  8. A very beautiful and inspiring post!

  9. Beautiful and inspiring words for a new morning.

    Thank you.


  10. I, too, love the early mornings. I love that time before others get up. I love that picture of the tranquil boat...would love to be right there!

  11. Vicki, I love the mornings too! I like to spend time reading my Bible, praying, and getting a handle on my to do list! Have a great week!


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