Thursday, July 4, 2013

Red White and Blue Wishes



Happy 4th of July!

I grew up in a small town - an all American Midwestern town. Every 4th of July brings back memories of simple celebrations. A parade in the morning with homemade floats and the local high school band playing a patriotic song. Swimming to a wooden raft in the middle of a lake. Sparklers at dusk, waiting for the hometown fireworks to start.

Nostalgia seems fitting on this holiday and patriotism in on full display. Flags fly and red white and blue bunting adorns many a home. Families and friends gather at cookouts and there is the scent of hot dogs and hamburgers cooking on the grill. It is a holiday filled with simple pleasures and a celebration of summer.

Enjoy America's birthday :-)



  1. Happy 4th Vicki! Hope you have a wonderful day with your family!

  2. Happy 4th of July to you. Hope your day goes well!

  3. Simple, uncomplicated...the best!...Enjoy...:)JP

  4. I'm taking my downtime today to visit my favorite bloggers and it's so wonderful to hear all the different ways people are celebrating and remembering past 4ths. Have a wonderful day! Ann

  5. BBQ time gets in full swing from now on. We are having ribs made with a rub, in the oven . . . BBQ sauce optional . . . Delicious recipe!

  6. Holidays like this bring back memories of simpler times:) Those were the days my friend! Have a blessed rest of the evening, HUGS!

  7. Yep thats how we celebrate 4th of Julys around here! Hope you had a good one!


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