Friday, October 11, 2013

Early Fall Color and Light



While in my yard or on my daily walk, the ever changing color and light of early fall has caught my eye this week. This single, red maple leaf fell and landed ever so perfectly, on top of this mum - the colors are so vibrant.

It is too early for much color on the trees, but the splashes of red and yellow against the blue sky are signs of the beauty to come.

The light and shadows of fallen leaves on this stream, make me pause on the bridge to enjoy the setting.

As I walk through the woods, the fall light, illuminates the vibrant color, as it shines through the leaves.

It is a wonderful time of year to enjoy the changes of color and light on the many paths I walk in my neighborhood. The paths are filled with fallen leaves that crunch under my feet as I walk and I am reminded to enjoy the fleeting beauty of fall.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Oh this is certainly my favourite time of year it is so beautiful. I can see from your photos you see it too:) Awesome shots.B

  2. Beautiful photos. The colors are so pretty this time of year.

  3. This time of year is so wonderful. Love the red maple leaves!

  4. Great photos! We're expecting rain this weekend and we need it. Have a great weekend, Vicky!

  5. Yes fall is a magical time of year. Love those red leaves climbing up the tree trunk and the red maple leaf on the yellow mums!

  6. Beautiful! I arrived home to find fall in New England in full is a gorgeous time of year!

    Have a great weekend! xoxo

  7. Nothing like a walk in the woods on a fall day - lovely shots.

  8. Those beautiful red leaves climbing the tree are pretty to look at, lovely to see.... but leaves of three.... Let it be!!!! Poison Ivy!!! :o)

  9. It's been awhile since I have walked. Thanks for the reminder. The fall colors sure are beautiful and bring such serenity!

  10. I love fall..wish it lasted longer...

  11. That top shot of the maple leaf looking so like the color of mauve caught my eye. Beautiful.

  12. Gorgeous photos! Yes.. this is such a beautiful time of year. I like it when our falls come on slow with temps dipping down at night and clear days. It slows the process down! Sometimes we get a nasty storm and the leaves fall before their time:) Happy Sunday! xxleslie

  13. I love the changing of summer into fall and the beauty of the landscape!

    Enjoy your week!


  14. That's a great walk--what colors!
    And how have I still never eaten an apple cider donut?


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