Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Spring Reading List



Since we are in the middle of a blizzard this morning (annoying in March) it may not seem like spring, but luckily there are a few books, by some of my favorite authors, with release dates in the next few months before summer. I took some time to update my wish list on Amazon and added these books to my ever expanding list. I like to try new books, never knowing when I may stumble across a great read, but it is the author's books that I have a connection with, because I know either the writing style or the characters, that I look forward to reading the most.


Tempting Fate by Jane Green is a book by an author I have always enjoyed. This is chick lit at its best and would be a perfect book for spring trip to the beach.


This book by another of my favorite suspense authors, Lisa Scottoline is another thriller about a secret that will be exposed and the lengths people will go to to keep their lives intact. I enjoy the Philidelphia setting of her books, since she talks about many locations I am familiar with, from my time living there.


This is one of my favorite mystery series and is set in a series of national parks, where the heroine Anna Pigeon is a park ranger. This book is set in the Iron Range of Northern Minnesota.


Another mystery series, by Susan Witting Albert, should be the favorite of any gardener. The main character, China Bayles is the proprietor of a herbal shop, complete with a herb garden. Deadly plants and herbs often play a role in the murders China finds herself involved in investigating.

Have a great day! I will be shoveling snow later and hoping it will be for the last time this winter - but I'm not counting on it :-)



  1. Oh, those Susan Wittig Albert books sound interesting! Love mysteries. :-)

  2. I might give Lisa Scottoline another try. Thanks for the heads up!

  3. Looks like all good reads! We are having a storm too....I was gonna clean my house but now I just feel like baking and watching movies! Stay warm!

  4. Susan Wittig Albert is one of my favorites. Just added my name to the waiting list for it at the library. Stay warm. xo Laura

  5. Oh my...snow?? again?? I know my MIL (who is in MI) is ready for some sunshine and warmer days. Rained earlier today here, but the sun has been trying to peek out since. Still warm, but temps are supposed to drop this evening to the 30s. This weather is crazy!! Love your book posts. Gives me ideas for when I run out of things to read.

  6. Great spring lineup! I think I'll add a couple of them to my list. We're got sleet/snow last night and drove around with the sunroof open on the car today. That's Spring in Nebraska!

  7. Thank you for the book list . . . I have so many on my list I must get busy!

  8. Wonderful book collection!

  9. I am looking for a book club read :) These look interesting! Thanks for the list! xxleslie

  10. I always love your book recommendations....I've read a bunch of them. Read the anna quinlan you told us about while on my trip. Enjoyed!

  11. I just clicked over from Kelly's Korner. I have read one book by Nevada Barr, and this reminded me that I should read more from that series. I love the National Park setting. Looking forward to looking around your blog. :)

  12. Always excited for new and unique fiction out there! Thanks for sharing this list! I recently read a REALLY fantastic contemporary thriller novel that I thought I would share. It is called Human Source Code by author Lubos Borik ( It is a very original and thrilling novel about the possibilities of DNA manipulation and the power it could give over the population. An international organization is using “public health care” as a way to change peoples DNA and create “something” new. Detective Klapman sees a link between a group of seemingly unrelated deaths and begins to dig deeper. I love detective novels and also enjoy stories that involve future scenarios that are actually possible, so this one was right up my alley. In a modern world where our privacy seems to be less and less important, It left we with a strong sense of uneasiness but also a feeling of wonder at what could be. Must read!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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