Monday, October 13, 2014

Friday Night Bunco




After missing the first Bunco night of the season in September, it was really fun to be able to go this past Friday night. It was so wonderful to catch up with my neighbors, after a busy summer for everyone. We were joined this time by our host's three sisters, visiting from out of town, so it was nice to meet some new people, as well as see how much fun it is to play Bunco, through some fresh eyes.

The way our group works, is that everyone brings an appetizer or dessert and the hostess supplies the drinks for the night. It is very easy to host with things set up like this and the food is always delicious. One of my favorites of the night were lettuce wraps you could assemble on your own with crunchy veggies and a chicken and soba noodle filling. Our hostess also made a platter of mini apple turnovers that were a great October dessert and the perfect little dessert bite.



As for wins and loses - you can see how my night started and that is exactly how I finished. We have a cash prize for the biggest loser and I not only tied for that distinction, I also lost the prize in a roll off. But, it's not about winning or losing; it's about neighbors and old friends keeping in touch and it's the silly dice game that gives us a reason.

Happy Monday!



  1. every time you mention bunco you remind me of how much I miss it! I always hosted the Halloween bunco ( go figure!) : ) Glad that you got a chance to play and have fun.
    Happy Monday.

  2. Hi Vicky, wow it wounds like you had a lot of fun! I have never played the game before but so nice that you and your neighbors together. Have a wonderful week.

  3. I have never played bunco, but I have heard it is a lot of fun. Sounds like a fun and yummy time with friends. xo Laura

  4. How nice that you have neighborhood gatherings just for fun! The food looks yummy and games always liven things up, don't you think?


  5. Another night, another party!! Fun! Our group plays dominoes and loves every minute of the competition.

  6. Sounds like you had alot of fun! I enjoy playing Bunco! =)

  7. The lettuce wraps are a great idea! My sister-in-law has a regular Bunco game with her girlfriends but I've never played. Is it kind of like Yahtzee?


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