Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday Morning Musings




On a cold, gloomy Monday morning it is always best to start the day with something fresh from the oven. Today, I used an overripe banana to make a boxed banana bread mix more flavorful. The candle on my kitchen counter is lit this morning and I am chasing the gloom away with coffee in my favorite mug and a warm slice of banana bread with butter.



The cold weather was the story of our tailgate this weekend, but we didn't let it keep us from having a great day. We still got there early, put up our tents in case it rained and had a great time, even though a little chilly. As you can see, I was bundled up in my winter coat, gloves and wrapped in a stadium blanket to stay warm. We had chili on a camp stove, keeping it hot and one of our friends was making made to order grilled cheese sandwiches. During the game that evening there was a misty rain falling to add to the dreariness, but we stayed warm cheering for an MSU win over Nebraska. When you have season tickets you prepare for the elements and don't let a little cold and rain stop your fun :-)



Last week, my friends and I got together to finish watching the first half of the Outlander season. We were only going to watch two episodes, but were so enthralled, we decided to watch the final three. As I have mentioned before, I am a big fan of the Outlander book series and as often the case with any adaptation, you wonder if it can bring the book to life, accurately. The television series has far exceeded my expectations and the actors have become the characters in the book, with inspired acting. The script has stayed very true to the book and if scenes are added, the story quickly makes its way back, even using the beautiful dialogue spoken in the book, in many places. The wedding episode couldn't have been more perfect.

Happy Monday!



  1. Chilly tailgaiting is fun, especially with a win:) Yum, I'll have a slice of that banana bread please:) My Daughter is a HUGE fan of the Outlander series too! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. Oh.. it is coooold! What's up with this weather, wasn't it just winter! Looks like a fun weekend. "movie night" sounds like a lot of fun... I've never seen that series. Maybe I should now that I am running out of things to watch.. I've finally completed every episode of Greys anatomy, Orange is the new black and The walking dead... ( thank god for netflix during insomnia)
    Banana bread sounds good!!!! Have a great new week.

  3. Looks like a fun day even with the cool rainy weather. I think I will bake some muffins this afternoon to chase away the gloom. xo Laura

  4. We were season ticket holders for Bears games. I remember the cold days when we sat huddled like you tailgating. It was so much fun....we hardly noticed the cold.
    Your banana bread looks so tasty. Enjoy!

  5. Is it Michigan or Michigan State that plays Penn State next week??? I can't keep up..Bread looks yummy,Good idea to add over ripe bananas..Thanks for the thought.

  6. Winning the game makes putting up with bad weather not so bad!

  7. Love taking a box mix and adding things to make it better! Banana bread is the perfect thing for a day like this!

  8. Cannot even wrap my brain around it already being's only October!!!!! Us southern gals would not last very long up there! But glad your tailgating was fun and your cake looks....YUM!!

  9. Your banana bread looks warm and delicious, perfect for a cold, dreary day! I need to switch out my morning coffee cups for fall. (I love sipping from 'seasonal' mugs! Crazy??) We enjoy tailgating with my sister and her family when we get to a MIZZOU game. Congratulations on the win!!! Miss playing Nebraska, since we joined the SEC. Enjoy your week.

  10. Brrrr! Too cold for me. It's been chilly here until today and we had sunshine and warm weather again. Hopefully, it will stick around for a couple more days. I am reading the Outlander books, book 1 now, and I have fallen in love with the story. I want to watch the series but not until I finish the books and that may be far into the future. I may give in and watch it anyway. :)


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