Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sugar Free Banana Bread Coffee Cake



What to do with the two old, tired bananas sitting in my fruit bowl? It is impossible for me to just throw them out, when I know they can make some delicious muffins of bread. But, I was in the mood for something a little different. The perfect solution was found in this Banana Bread Coffee Cake and I even made it sugar free.

What makes a slice of coffee cake different than a slice of banana bread? This coffee cake is more dense than banana bread, but still very moist. Also, it has the most delicious streusel topping; that classic mix of brown sugar, flour, cinnamon and melted butter. It elevates the taste and is very complimentary to the banana flavor.

The next time you reach for over ripe bananas to make your favorite muffin or bread recipe, give this yummy coffee cake recipe a try. I will be having some this morning with my coffee and savoring every bite :-)

Happy Thursday!


Sugar Free Banana Bread Coffee Cake

For the cake batter:

1/2 cup Truvia for baking

4 T butter, melted

2 overripe bananas, mashed

1 egg

1/2 cup milk

1 1/2 cups flour

2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

For the streusel topping:

1/2 cup Splenda brown sugar

2 T flour

2 tsp cinnamon

2 T melted butter

Spray a 10" pie plate with cooking spray. Whisk together flour, baking powder and salt in a small mixing bowl. In a separate large bowl, mix together Truvia, 4 T melted butter, and egg. Add milk and mashed bananas, mixing well. Stir in dry ingredients until just combined.

Prepare streusel by mixing together, brown sugar, cinnamon, flour and melted butter in a small bowl. Pour cake batter in prepared pie plate, then top with streusel. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees or until a toothpick comes out clean, when tested. Cut in wedges to serve. Enjoy!

{Linking with these friends}


Rattlebridge Farm

Between Naps on the Porch

Savvy Southern Style

Sunny Simple Life



  1. Sounds perfect for a fall morning.

  2. This sounds wonderful, and I love that it is sugar-free!! Thanks!!

  3. You know I'm going to have to try this, right? It sounds truly delicious!

  4. This looks and sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing this recipe! I am pinning!


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