Friday, March 6, 2015

Dreaming of Flowers



It's been a long, cold winter. And, with that being said, I keep looking outside, picturing in my mind, green grass and flowers blooming. Once the snow melts, in a matter of weeks now, the bulbs I planted in the fall will begin to poke through the ground and the lovely sight of daffodils and tulips will mean spring has finally arrived. I am also dreaming about summer flowers and what I will be planting this gardening season. Over time, I have discovered that the thing that makes me most happy with my garden, is my ability to go out in an early morning, see what is blooming and cut flowers for a sweet bouquet. So, this year the flowers I plant will have that thought in mind and I will work on planting flowers suitable for cutting and with a beautiful array of color.










Marguerite Dasies


I can see all these lovely blooms mixed together in a mason jar or vase sitting on my kitchen table, all summer long. It's such a beautiful thought and the best part is, soon I can make it come true.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Beautiful and colorful:) Good for you planting those bulbs, you'll be excited when they start poking thru the ground! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. That's what I did all last summer. Can't wait to do it again! $5.00 worth of zinnia seeds is the best money spent. :)

  3. Daisies are my absolute favorite flower! I can't wait to see photos of your yard in bloom!

  4. Lots of people talking about Spring, so it must be on it's way! I look forward to the colors!!!!

  5. I couldn't agree more! I am so mad at myself for not planting any spring bulbs this year! Hurry up spring!

  6. Those colours just look great ..... roll on Spring and Summer.

    All the best Jan

  7. Oh spring is in the air and on our minds! I just read Katie's post with photos of gorgeous tulip wreaths for a front door. Yay! Can't wait until we can see blankets of color instead of blankets of snow!

  8. We have the same taste in flowers--the more color the better!

  9. I'd like to try planting some of those pretty flowers this year, too. Do you use seeds or do you buy potted plants? I've never had much luck using seeds, so I'm curious if you have tips to share.


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