Friday, April 10, 2015

A Good Read




There is a genre of books that I enjoy very much and the book I found to take on vacation, was of this style. This book, Mrs. Poe by Lynn Cullen, tells the story of the women behind the life of poet, Edgar Allan Poe. I find these style of books facinating and you can find my blog post about the others I have read here.

Mrs. Poe is really the story of Frances Osgood and how she becomes entangled in an affair with Edgar Allan Poe, while at the same time striking up a friendship with his wife. There is a gothic element as strange things begin to happen, with no other explanation than the possible madness of sweet and gentle Mrs. Poe. This story will leave you in suspense, until the dramatic conclusion.

The setting of New York City in 1845 is the star of this novel. The details of the literary society are remarkable, with published authors name dropped with abandon, at the glittering salons and balls the characters attend. It is those kinds of details, based in fact, that make this genre of novels so interesting to me. It is always what is going on behind the public lives that is facinating and for me, the literary world in this time period was the golden age of classic novels.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Looks like a great read! Thanks for sharing! Have a blessed day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  2. Sounds like my kind of book. Thanks for the tip!!

  3. This book has been on my radar for about a year. You've clinched me buying it now.

  4. Thanks for the review! Not really my favorite kind of book, but it does sound intriguing!

  5. Very interesting! Thanks for the review.


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