Friday, April 3, 2015

A Trip to Sunny Florida




It really is lovely to get away at this time of the year, when the weather is still somewhere between winter and spring. We were long overdo for a trip to Florida and a visit with my in laws. They have a beautiful home, with a pool and it makes for a very relaxing trip. Most days you could find me either in a lounge chair, reading a book, or floating in the pool. It felt wonderful to soak up all the sun we could and to tell the truth, I couldn't even be bothered to play golf. It was all about spending time by the pool, face to the sun and cocktail in hand.




After a morning of rain one day, we did take a short ride to Clearwater Beach; a favorite spot whenever we visit. We had an early dinner at Frenchy's Rockaway Grill, a casual restaurant right on the beach. My margarita was perfection and I was able to put my feet in the gulf at that magic time, right before sunset, when the sun sparkles on the water.



We also took a trip to watch the Detroit Tigers play a spring training game. It was a gorgeous afternoon to be at the ballpark; especially one with palm trees at the edge of the outfield. Being there made me so excited for opening day and baseball season.



But, as I said, this trip was about pool time, sunshine and making our long, cold winter nothing more than a memory.

Have a wonderful weekend.



  1. Good for you! Love some sunshine on my face too:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. So glad you were able to escape the cooler temps for sunny Florida! This post has got me even more excited about our trip to Hawaii!! TWO weeks!!

  3. Sounds like a fabulous and relaxing trip.

  4. I still can't believe you were in Lakeland and we didn't get a chance to meet over coffee, at least! Next time, please! Glad you had a good vacation! I haven't been in our pool yet...still too cold for me!

  5. I'd love a trip like this right now. We're in for a gray, cool, windy weekend. I think spring is going to give us a complete miss this year, and we're going to go straight from winter to summer. We had a few minutes of warm sunshine yesterday which was heaven. Still snow on the ground though, so we're not there yet!

  6. Good for you! Glad you got some time to relax and enjoy some of that Florida sunshine!

  7. Perfect relaxing getaway . . .
    Happy you enjoyed . . .

  8. I am so envious...What a treat! My first trip to Florida was to Clearwater Beach when I was a mere 18!

    You look fantastic! Have a cocktail on me! :)

    Jane xx

  9. I was born in St. Petersburg and lived in Clearwater during my college years. Each summer I worked at the (no longer there) bathing suit shop right on Clearwater Beach. Such a beautiful spot! Glad you could take an end of the winter get away!

  10. Oh my ... What's not to love about this post ... Frenchy's, toes in the Gulf, floating on a pool, a spring training game (ok, it'd be better if it were the Cardinals - ha!). I think we're long overdue for a trip to Florida!

  11. looks like you had a great time. We must be on the same empty nest path because I did the same thing and blogged at


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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