Monday, June 1, 2015

A Chilly Monday in June




Waking up to a chilly Monday, with temperatures in the mid fourties and the heat back on, is not the way I pictured the beginning of June. The wind and the rain and the colder temperatures blew through this weekend and the morning sun is showing me there is much to do outside to put things right. There are branches everywhere and my newly planted flowers are a little shocked from the pouring rain and the chill in the air. I'll get out later today and tidy up, since the sun is shining again. But first, I baked some pumpkin bread ( easy - from a mix) and am enjoying it warm from the oven, with my coffee.



I do have pretty wildflower blooms inside that I picked before the rain flattened them and they are enough to brighten my Monday morning. These wild phlox bloom in abundance evey year, in late May and line the paths through the woods in my neighborhood. I love cutting a few to enjoy.



This was a weekend to stay indoors and we went to see a movie ( The Avengers - Age of Ultron) Saturday night. I also throughly enjoyed and was enthralled by the Outlander finale. The subject matter was hard to watch, but the acting was incredible. The event that defines Jamie for the rest of the book series and one that is brutal to read, as well as watch, is not for the faint of heart, but I feel it was shown with the honesty needed to understand its impact on both Claire and Jamie's lives. There were deviations from the book, but the spirit of the last chapters was followed and seeing them sail off to France at the end was perfect. How will I wait so long for season two?

Happy Monday!




  1. Oh, how I have tried and tried the Outlander series, but I returned the audio version of the book to the library this weekend. Just couldn't get into it. I made it to the middle of chapter two of the first book.

  2. It's cold and rainy here too. We really need the rain though. I will definitely have to tune into Outlander. Have a great week!

  3. I know how crazy that weather can be up at my MIL's this time of year. We are headed up at the end of the month, hoping it warms up. The reprieve from our heat here thought is always welcome.

  4. I'm still watching season 1 of Outlander, so I'm glad you didn't put in any spoilers! Stay warm! It was so cold walking the dog earlier.

  5. Here too there was some drizzles of rain today. Enjoying the climate bit off of heat...

  6. I prefer 40's to 90's..That's for sure..Send some of that cool to PA....rain too!


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