Monday, June 15, 2015

Empty Nest Changes




I am feeling a little nostalgic today. For the past six weeks, since graduation, Melissa has been home, a bit at loose ends, waiting for her first real job to start. We have been taking advantage of the down time by spending a lot of time together. We shopped for career type clothes for her and had a lot of fun putting together some basic outfits that will see her started. We went out to lunch at some of our favorite restaurants. We also enjoyed a few sunny days at the pool together.

But, real life is now upon us and today she starts her job. She will be busy and life for me will return to normal. Yes, she will still be living at home for a while, but it will be with one foot out the door as she works and saves towards moving into her own place. And, that is as it should be.

I have learned to enjoy what life brings. Enjoy the fact that we had those carefree weeks together. Enjoy the fact that instead of moving to a different state, she will still be close enough to visit, even after she moves out. It's just hard when a child takes that last step into becoming a grown up. And, that's why I'm feeling just a little bit nostalgic today.

Enjoy your Monday!



  1. I know how that feels! It is both good and bad when they grow up and move outside the home! I know you will be having lots of great visits after she moves out! Nothing like Mother/Daughter time! Have a blessed and beautiful day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  2. Been there/ done that! How nice that you got to spend some quality time with your daughter. Have a great week!

  3. Beautiful daughter! I know you are so proud!

  4. How great that you have had some really good quality time together!! I know you are proud of her! It is exciting to watch them take that step in leaving the nest. She is so pretty! Keep us posted, please, on her progress in the new job and in finding her own place. Thanks for sharing her with us, Vicki!!

  5. What a wonderful nostalgia to be able to have! :) Sweet.

  6. Nostalgic . . . appropriate . . .

  7. It's wonderful to see them get their lives in order, but tough on mom. Bittersweet for sure. Enjoy this short time as she starts her job and is still with you.

  8. As an empy nester myself -when does your child want to hang out with you again?. My son is back from his first year Purdue and I cant get him to do anything with me. Once in while dinner. Does this change or is it just girls? You have a beautiful daughter. I am still blogging and trying new things as an EN but miss that hang out thing with my son.

  9. Oh, Vicki, I know it's hard. I'm so happy that you gals had the 6 week respite to spend together and that Melissa will still be home for a while. The gradual transition might help a tiny bit. Hang in there.... But also, huge congratulations to Melissa! To land a job right out of college is rare these days. Kudos to her!


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