Friday, October 23, 2015

Early Morning Light




As autumn settles in, my morning routine changes too. If I wake up early, just as the sun starts to rise, I go through the house turning on lamps and plugging in seasonal lights that give a cozy glow to the morning. Sometimes, if I have extra time, I might even light a few candles on my mantel to enjoy while I sit and enjoy an early morning cup of coffee.


It's quiet in the house, no distractions from the sound of the television or sounds from the neighboring houses. There is time to wake up slowly and think about the day ahead. I am not what you would consider a morning person, but this kind of quiet reflection can be a great way to start the day. No rushing around, but letting the natural rythym of the morning light dictate how the day will begin.



The day ahead may be filled with busy things and my to do list may be long, but in the early mornings, just for a few moments, those worries can be held at bay. These autumn mornings already feel fleeting, as we head towards November, but I will savor the early morning light as long as I can.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Linking with Savvy Southern Style



  1. I love the early mornings. I get so much more done. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Hi Vicki! I'm a new friend to your blog :) .... looking forward to getting to know you & reading more of your posts. My husband & I are semi-empty nesters with 2 grandchildren. I love the warmth & cozy feeling from your pictures. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I so enjoy early morning easy peasy pj early light time!

  4. I was just thinking the same thoughts early this morning. Your pictures are pretty. :)

  5. What a lovely way to begin your day!

  6. There is something so special about this time of year. Cool, crisp mornings of quiet and being still to enjoy...cup of coffee makes it perfect!

  7. As much as I hate getting up in the dark around this time of year, I do enjoy seeing the sun come up. Every morning I sit at the kitchen table which opens onto the backyard - the maple trees are brilliant right now and the lawn is dappled with leaves. A cup of coffee, my trusty laptop and a bowl of oatmeal and I'm set to go.

  8. Like the start to your early mornings. On my off days in fall and winter, I like to do the same. I love Yankee candles and we always have one or two for the season. Love the look that lamps give. I prefer them to the overhead light. Makes the room all cozy.


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