Friday, October 9, 2015

More BBC Love



I have written of my love for television shows from the BBC, which I can watch on my local PBS station. In the past week, I have discovered two wonderful shows; one a a World War II period drama, set in a rural village and one a baking competition.



Home Fires premiered last Sunday night and I will look forward to watching for the next few weeks. It begins at the start of the war and village life is just beginning to experience the changes that will come. The main characters are the women of the village and it is easy to see that they will be the ones who hold things together as the men are called to fight in the war. Their village branch of a Women's Institute plays a key role in keeping them together and as usually the case with a group of strong women, there are power struggles to deal with. It's a lovely show so far, with beautiful countryside scenery and pretty period dresses.



The Great British Baking Show has been around for awhile in England, but the 2nd season is currently being shown on PBS. Looking for something to watch on Netflix, I watched the entire first season and then quickly got caught up on the current one. The format is wonderful and it is very different in tone from cooking shows here in the States. The contestants are humble and will actually help each other out in the challenges. The baked goods they must produce range from simple to extremely difficult and it's fun to see the process, as well as the sometimes disastrous and sometimes stunning results. Mostly, my mouth is watering seeing all the delicious cakes, pies and pastries.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Thanks so much for the heads up on the WWII BBC drama aired on PBS. I'll definitely be tuning into that program. Wishing you a wonderful weekend too. My hubby and youngest son are off to New Jersey tonight to attend the MSU/Rutgers game tomorrow. Go Green!

  2. The Great British Baking Show is my favorite! It's so gentle, the people are kind and I want to try making everything.

  3. Vicki, we started watching Home Front, too and loved it. Can't wait to see what happens this week!! I'll have to check out the baking show. You are the second person to mention it!!

  4. The WWII series is based on information in a book by Julie Summers called Jambusters. Its a really good history of the Womens Institute during the war years.
    The baking show is called The Great British Bake off over here and this years series has just finished yesterday, but I won't spoil it by saying who won!

  5. Thank you . . . I always like to hear about some new shows!

  6. I discovered The Great British Baking Show when recuperating from surgery in the spring. Although I didn't know it was on Netflix as I was watching it on YouTube which isn't always reliable. Good to know.
    Saw Homefront and love it too!!! reminds me a bit of Farm Girls, also set in WWII.

  7. Hi Vicki....I love both PBS shows also...I believe the newest is called Home Fires, rather than Home Front. For those who wanted to begin the series, only the first episode has debuted, and you can catch it on PBS website! The Great British Baking show is just marvelous!!! Have a lovely weekend.

  8. haven't seen the WWII drama yet love the british baking did you know there is a bbc baking group on google+ thanks for sharing have a great day

  9. BBC has the best show on PBS, and I also watched Home Fires and really liked it. I love the Baking show too and really enjoyed it also!!!

  10. I too watched Home Fires and eagerly awaiting the next episode. Missed the The Great British Baking Show...Watched last years. When the Brits do a period piece they go to great lengths to get the costumes and the props makes these dramas just such a pleasure to watch. Have a lovely week ~ Mickie


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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