Monday, May 16, 2016

A Visit







When your grown up daughter comes to visit, it is indeed a happy weekend. There was a lot of catching up involved, some conversations over wine and much laughter.

We started out the weekend at the opening day of a local Farmer's Market and while the weather did not cooperate and we would have preferred sun, rather than 43 degrees and clouds, we still enjoyed a stroll through the different offerings. We walked across the street to a Mexican restaurant and enjoyed some lunchtime margaritas to warm us up from the cold. Later that night, we ordered in food, got cozy in front of the fire and watched a movie together.

On Sunday, to celebrate a late Mother's Day, since she couldn't be here last weekend, we went to a really fun restaurant for a delicious brunch. Two weekends in a row having mimosas is not something I am going to complain about!

The rest of Sunday was spent moving all my bins full of garage sale items, as well as some furniture, from the basement to the garage. Megan was such a big help and made an insurmountable job, fun. Before she leaves to go back to Pittsburgh on Monday, we are going to fit in some mother, daughter yoga and a little baking. I will miss her.

Happy Monday!



  1. Sounds like a great visit. Mimosa ... yum!

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. Just sent our youngest back for her summer term :-(

  3. Aw! What a great belated Mother's Day present!

  4. Sounds you had a great time!

  5. How great to have your daughter with you over the weekend, and I would not complain about margaritas either!! Yum!

  6. Nothing better than some mother/daughter time!

  7. It's so much fun when you get to hang out with someone who gets you and likes to do all the things you like to do.It's extra special when that someone is your daughter. So glad you had a great weekend and a wonderful visit.;-)

  8. Sounds like a wonderful visit. I traveled to see my adult daughter over Mother's Day weekend and we did many of the same things. Daughters who grow up to become friends are such a blesing!

  9. Looks like y'all had a lot of fun! Your daughter is a beautiful young lady :)


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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