Monday, May 23, 2016

Downsizing - Tales from My Garage Sale




Downsizing is a lot of work. That said, it really is a wonderful feeling to walk down the stairs to my basement or open a closet and see more and more empty space. There is still more to do and more decisions to make on what will be kept and what will go, but we are going about it with purpose and intention and it will happen.



The first big step was the garage sale we held at our home over three days last week. The last time I held a garage sale was at least ten years ago and I swore at the time, never again. But, it really is one of the best ways to recycle a large amount of household items and I was willing to give it a try. I decided to not sell clothes this time, but donate (6 large bags) and that made things much easier to set up.

I advertised on Craig's List and a few other on line local sites, put up signs and scheduled my dates to coincide with a subdivision wide sale, hoping for as many shoppers as possible. The biggest job was organizing like items and pricing, but I gave myself plenty of time and used preprinted stickers to help things move along fairly quickly.

On sale days, I pulled a lot out of the garage to catch the eye of those passing by and also reduced prices as the days went by, especially on items that were not generating interest.

How did we do? There was a steady stream of shoppers, especially on Saturday and a ton of unwanted items have left my home. People were friendly, complimentary of our prices and we even made an amount of money that made the process worthwhile. There is very little left to donate and I should be able to remove most of it by making a couple of trips to a nearby Goodwill and also schedule a pick up for the few pieces of furniture left.

It may have been a lot of work and I'm still recovering from being on my feet for three straight days, but it's a good feeling to know that all that unwanted stuff will be in use, rather than thrown in the landfill.

Happy Monday!


{Linking with these friends}

French Country Cottage

A Stroll Thru Life

Savvy Southern Style

The Charm of Home

Art and Sand

Between Naps on the Porch

Cozy Little House

Eclectic Red Barn

Skip To My Lou

Rooted in Thyme

Craftberry Bush

21 Rosemary Lane

New House New Home


Rattlebridge Farm


  1. Garage sale is good for the soul! Ahhh....
    Thanks for sharing Vicki

  2. You're coming to my house next, right?

  3. They are a lot of work, but the end result is always worth it.

  4. Good for you Vicki!
    I have liked your process . . .
    Collecting your giveaways over a period of time and then the sale.
    Clothing separate . . . great idea!
    Well done . . .

  5. Downsizing IS a lot of work but it sounds like you are well on your way! We had a garage sale too with mixed reviews but like you I was glad to see some things go to a new home.

  6. I commend your effort, setting up a garage sale takes a lot of work, but it sounds like you are going about it the right way, very thought out and organized! Good job and good luck!!

  7. Good for you! Wish I could do the same:) Have a blessed day dear friend, BIG HUGS!

  8. You are certainly dedicated to this process! We haven't had a garage sale in years, either. I've donated most of my unwanted things to our local resale shop. One of the groups I'm in is considering holding a garage sale to raise funds this Fall so I'm keeping several items to donate to that. Glad you had a great and successful weekend. Hope you've recovered for the holiday!!

  9. Congratulations on making such a good start!!

  10. SO MUCH WORK, but I'm glad it was a success for you!

  11. I laughed when I read that you had previously said "never again" but ended up having yet another garage sale. I've been there, too. You are so wise to do all of this de-cluttering before downsizing rather than in a panic while in the throes of moving. Good luck!!


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