Monday, August 15, 2016

Calm Before The Storm






The weekend was quiet for us and it was just what I needed. Some long walks with my puppy and a lot of Olympic watching were on my agenda. It's starting to feel like the end of summer and I'm not sure how I feel about that. But, I'm extending that calm into my Monday morning by starting my day early with coffee and some homemade banana bread that I baked first thing. It's a great way to start the week.

I am taking advantage of these quiet days, because I know very soon, we will be very busy again. Our bathroom remodel is on a slight holding pattern while we wait for tile to come in. There are other jobs on my list that need to be checked off as we ready the house for putting it on the market and I am doing a little at a time. This week I hope to get some plumbing work done and begin to stage the upstairs bedrooms.

I'm very glad that we are able to take our time and get things ready at our own pace. I know things will get stressful the closer we get to moving, but for this Monday morning, I will put away the to do list and take the day as it comes.



  1. Yes, it is nice to take your time and not rush to get the house ready:) Have a peaceful Monday morning! HUGS!

  2. Quiet time is always a good thing! Can't wait to watch your bathroom remodel. Have a great week, Vicki!

  3. Enjoy your down time. We had a very relaxing weekend before school starts this week and it was just what I needed.

  4. Your attitude is so chill. I admire that.
    Lovely spot for a walk and I'm with you on feeling a bit of sad at the end of summertime. I love it so much I hate to see a season change.

  5. I'm also in the "chill" mode when thinking about moving, but it sounds like you are farther ahead than I am. I'm sure I will experience a panic mode before it is all said and done. We are slowing moving things out and sorting things for a sale and/or to give to family. It's a big job, but I am excited about this next chapter in our story!

  6. You are a smart lady to be thinking about updates now. We spent about two years doing small projects with breaks in between. The house is now on the market and we hope it sells soon, as we're planning to move in the new house in about a month. Pace yourself and you'll still have hair when you're done! :)

  7. I'm glad you have some time to get fresh air and contemplate your plans. Sometimes I just freeze and focus on my own pups and garden. Otherwise, its non stop. But it's all good, right?


  8. Nice to have a quiet weekend . . .
    This past one was quiet for us too . . . I think the heat had something to do with our quiet!
    I imagine it is exciting to think about something new while you "ready" your home for sale . . .
    Wise to pace yourself . . .
    Enjoy Vicki!

  9. I'm guessing that you are going to have the same reaction as we did after doing our getting-the-house-ready-to-sell renovations. "Why didn't we do this when we would be able to enjoy it rather than just sprucing things up for the new owners!"


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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