Monday, August 29, 2016

It's Tailgate Season



For us, this week is like Christmas and Birthdays all rolled up in one. It's the start of college football season and as season ticket holders for Michigan State we will be spending a lot of time on campus in the next few months. We have a big tailgate group and I'm sure by tomorrow there will be an email going around detailing what everyone with be bringing. I will need to go through my tailgating supplies and also purchase more MSU paper products to get us through the weeks ahead.

Also, I like to look through Pinterest and find a few new recipes to try. There will be early morning tailgates that will call for breakfast items, as well the later game times that will need some savory treats. I pinned a few of both and look forward to serving these to our group. We always have quite a spread and I can't wait.


Bacon Cheesburger Meatballs


Easy Potato Skins


Bacon Brown Sugar Smokies


French Toast Roll Ups


Maple Bacon Pancake Bites


Happy Monday!



  1. YUM, I will try the bacon cheeseburger meatballs, they look delicious:) Have a blessed day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  2. Yummy dishes! Feeling hungry:)

  3. WooooHooooo! LSU checking in here! Getting all my purple and gold out and ready for this weekend!!!!
    I made those wrapped Apple thingys..... Yum yum!!
    Good Luck to Spartans this yr!!

  4. Eek! I'm so excited!! I can't wait!!

  5. I'm not a big football fan, but I am drooling for this delicious food. I think I could learn to love football. Have a great week!

  6. Oh my . . . thank you for the ideas . . .
    I think I will try a version of the toothpick, bacon, sausage, cheese, veggie individual very soon!
    Enjoy this "sparky" tailgate season . . .

  7. I think I will use a pepper jack cheese though instead of the american . . .
    Gives more of a "green and white" . . .

  8. I had pinned those bacon cheeseburgers as well. They look good, plus they're cute : )

  9. Can't believe we are back to football season already! We have USNA season football tickets and tailgate as well. My problem is how to transport the food on the two hour drive and keep it warm. I have tried coolers and the insulated casserole carriers but I still arrive with "barely warm" food. These are some great ideas! We too have breakfast tailgates and lunch tailgates!

  10. Oh my all of these do look yummy! The Maple Bacon Pancake Bites have me wanting to have one in my mouth right now!!!

  11. My mouth is watering over these delicious looking treats! Happy football season! (Except on 9/17 when we will each stay in our not-so-neutral corners.) ;-)

  12. I want to make all of these right now! Yum! Great roundup!

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