Monday, August 1, 2016

Rainy Day at the Farmer's Market







It wasn't ideal weather on Saturday for a trip to the Farmer's Market, but I knew this time of year, it would be bursting with fresh fruits and veggies. So, Melissa and I put on our raincoats, grabbed an umbrella and off we went. When we arrived, I could see we weren't the only ones to brave the raindrops, as the parking lot was full and the market was teaming with its usual big crowd.

We didn't linger like usual, but headed right to our favorite stalls for green beans, yellow squash, peaches, flowers and homemade bread. The prices are really reasonable and the fresh from the farm goodness is definately worth the trip. Even if we did have to dodge a few raindrops.




But, no worries for us. There was a new restaurant to try for brunch and getting out of the rain with a mimosa (Mi.Mosa - is a play on Michigan and mimosa) seemed like a really good idea. The outside tables were empty of course, but it was cozy inside and my Eggs Benedict was perfection. A great way to spend a Saturday morning.

Happy Monday!


{Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style

Between Naps on the Porch

21 Rosemary Lane


My Side of 50



  1. Looks like a perfect way to start the day! I wanted to go to our farmer's market but they have the T.C. Film festival going on and there's a ton of extra people here so I'll wait. I like the name of the restaurant and the eggs benedict looks like it was perfect!

  2. Those eggs benedict look absolutely delicious! The Farmer's Market looks great too! We love ours, but haven't ventured down there in a month or so and they take August off. It reopens again in September.

  3. Oh yum, egg Benedict! It doesn't get much better. You are lucky to have a reasonable priced farmers market. I am imagining fresh peaches just now, oh how wonderful it would be to have a juicy fresh one.

  4. You got rain?! LUCKY! We could sure use some. And a 20 or 30 degree drop in temps. Ha! I do love going to the Farmers' Market downtown Charleston but it's just been too hot.

  5. Bet you found plenty of fresh veggies on that rainy market day . . .
    You know what . . . I have never had "Eggs Benedict" . . .
    and now it is on my list, thanks to you!

  6. We have a little farmers market here in town every Saturday and it's become tradition to head over early with the dog in tow to pick up veggies for the weekend. But once the beans and tomatoes ripen in my own garden, the walk will be shorter.

  7. Hi Vicki, I haven't been to the farmers market in a while. We finally received the much needed rain here. My husband loves Eggs Benedict - his favorite.

  8. I love the clever name of the restaurant! I was at a baby shower last weekend and they served pomegranate mimosas. Yummmmm!!!!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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