Monday, November 7, 2016

Empty Nest Changes - A Decision










It has been a little quiet on the blog this past week, but it's because a lot has been happening. We are back from a whirlwind trip to Florida and my life is about to get a whole lot more tropical. After a week of looking at houses, we made the decision to buy a new construction house that will be ready in about 7 months. It's equal parts scary and exciting and there is a lot to do (emptying one house and making design decisions on another) between now and then, but we are happy with both the location and the house plan.

We saw many existing homes, that just weren't quite right and actually saw the place we did buy on a whim by our realtor, at the end of a long day. It just felt right, for many reasons and we were able to get the lot we wanted, with a pretty lake view. We are just 6 miles from the closest beach and we love the downtown area of the city we chose. There is also a 9 mile walking trail along the inter coastal waterway that will be amazing for long dog walks. The weather was perfect while we were there and we look forward to sunny and mild winters for the rest of our days.

Leaving our daughters, family and friends will be hard, but we anticipate many fun visits with days spent at the pool, the golf course or the beach. It will be a totally different lifestyle, but one we will embrace. I am really a homebody at heart and once I am settled in my pretty new house, with all my things both old and new all around me, the location is just a bonus. And, we are only a 2 hour plane ride away if a visit to Michigan is needed.

Things are about to get interesting around here.

Happy Monday!


{Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style

Between Naps on the Porch

21 Rosemary Lane



  1. Congratulations! This is very exciting. We live in Ontario and are thinking of a southern life as well, at least for half of the year, when we retire in a few years. I can't wait to hear the details! -Jenn

  2. Oh how exciting! SO happy that you found your future home! Can't wait to follow along on this new journey! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Wow - this is going to be a very exciting few months! It's great that you found a place that feels right to you - that's so important! I wish you lots of luck with your move. It will be fun to follow along through your transition.

  4. Congratulations on finding your dream home in Florida! Best of luck to you on both ends! Preparing to sell and move is a big job but now that you have a focal point in Florida it will give you the extra boost to get it all done!

  5. I am so jealous!! I miss warm weather. What an exciting chapter to look forward to. Even tho you will be far from family and friends, I have a feeling that you will have a lot of company!

  6. YAAAAY!!!!!!!!! So happy for y'all!!! As a deep southerner, I can attest to the fact that warm sunny, sometime sandy days, lead to better health and a happier heart!!! You are going to love it and question why you didn't get below the mason dixon line sooner!!!! I just hope you're not going too far south in Florida so I can meet up with you on my twice a yr visits there.
    Seashells....Sunshine...Soothing Soft waves!!!!! So happy for you!

  7. Congratulations! I am sure that you will love it!

  8. Congratulations on finding your new home. I know you will all create many new wonderful memories there.

  9. How exiting! Good luck with your new adventure. Having to decide on a new kitchen was very difficult for me, I don't think I could handle with an entire house....

  10. Moving to Florida was the best decision we ever made. Couldn't go back to the wintery cold again. We feel like natives here after 27 years. Welcome to FL. I hope you can share your location with us (and hopefully we can meet in person one of these days!).

  11. Congratulations Vicki . . .
    Very excited for you!

  12. I'm happy for you, Vicki! It will be a wonderful change in lifestyle. Best wishes!

  13. The hiking trail is a MUST HAVE for you! Glad you found your next home and are excited for it! Like the rest of us, I can't wait to see it and then see how you make it home with your clever decorative powers!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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