Friday, November 11, 2016

November Book Club







I had to miss my book club last month, so I was so looking forward to going last night. To tell the truth, I was very behind in finishing the book and was frantically reading whenever I had a few minutes yesterday, so I could finish. It is so much more interesting to be involved in the discussion if you have read the book, rather than trying to follow along and this was a book where I knew, the ending would be spoiled.

It was a lovely evening, with a much appreciated glass of wine to start the night and an absolutely beautiful dinner. We were so comfortable at the table, we stayed in place for dessert and our book discussion. As you can see from the photos, our hostess outdid herself, from wonderful cheeses to start to two kinds of soup (creamy chicken with mushrooms and Italian wedding style with orzo pasta) to a delicious layered salad full of veggies and creamy avocado. And the desserts; white and dark chocolate pumpkin truffles and vanilla bean panacotta with raspberries. All I can say is wow!



The book we read and discussed is an old one, but really made for an interesting discussion for anyone with children. A district attorney's son is accused of murder and it is a what would you do as a parent story from start to finish, as both the mother and the father make startling and thought provoking choices in the interest of their son, who we find out is more damaged than they ever imagined.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. I loved that book! Surprise ending! The food looks delish!

  2. I loved the book too! Dinner looked yummy. Have a great weekend!

  3. I so want to join your book group! I left my own book group because few really bothered reading the book, it was a bit frustrating. I think I would enjoy the book you discussed, although it does sound like a read that might make me a bit uncomfortable. It is the thought of one's child committing a crime that I find really quite frightening. Have a lovely weekend. x

  4. The book sounds intriguing now! Your book club dinners always look fabulous and I'm sure they taste just as good! Yum!!

  5. The meal looks YUMMY! So happy that you get to have this time with your book club:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  6. Your book club meals always looks so delicious!! Thanks for the book review.

  7. Hi Vickie, I was in a book club like yours once and we had delicious meals too. Everything looks so tasty. I know you enjoyed the discussion. What a lovely way to spend an evening. I miss the book club. Maybe someday I will join one again. :)


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