Thursday, November 17, 2016





Life has been a whirlwind lately. It seems we are having workers come to the house every day, because we are trying to repair the odds and ends we need fixed and spiffed up before we put our house on the market. And, we are also doing a lot ourselves. I hope to post some pictures soon of my updated master bath. It is very neutral and therefore not too exciting, but the new shower is fabulous and it's all now in perfect shape for going on the market.

I took a much needed break last night for a girl's night with a couple of friends. I forgot to take a photo, so you will forgive the use of an old photo from another time at our club, but the company was the same and I even wore the same dress. We had a lot to catch up on and the evening just slipped away before I realized it. My phone never made its way out of my purse. But, it was a lovely dinner and we did drink a little wine too :-)

Thanksgiving is looming and today I will make my first of three or four runs to the grocery store between now and Thursday. I love cooking the meal, getting up early to make the stuffing and get the turkey in the oven, setting my table and having all my family here. The grocery shopping and the long shopping lists I can do without.

Is anyone watching Poldark? I am really enjoying this season and it was interesting to read that the last episode on PBS was edited different than the BBC version. It seems we saw a different version of what occurred between Ross and Elizabeth and I wonder how all will make sense going forward.

I have been so busy that I am very much behind in my television watching. I am weeks behind in Grey's Anatomy and have yet to start watching This Is Us. Also, a new season of The Fall is on Netflix and I need to binge watch that very soon.

Finally, it will be a short visit, but both of my daughters will be home for Thanksgiving and I can't wait to have them sitting on my couch, in their pajamas, the tv on, a fire burning in the fireplace and the sound of their voices and laughter filling the house. There is nothing better in this world.

Happy Thursday!



  1. Enjoy your time with your daughters! I shudder when I think of all the unfinished work our house has if we ever decide to downsize. -Jenn

  2. Yes, a little break is needed:) I am looking forward to Thanksgiving too! Great time to spend with family! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. I totally get what you're saying about having your girls home. Stephanie came over last night and she and Alise ended up in our bed {Weird.} looking at funny videos and adding things to their Christmas wish list. My heart was full! Happy Thanksgiving! And, you will LOVE This Is Us!

  4. You have a perfect holiday coming up! We never get both of our boys here at the same time for a holiday. I know you will love it!! We love Poldark too. I was really disappointed in Ross.

  5. Girlfriend time is the best . . .
    Sometimes I find it a bit if a challenge to keep my camera in my clutch . . .
    Happy Thanksgiving Vicki . . .
    Enjoy the girls and pj time . . .
    Next year will have many new memories . . .


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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