Wednesday, March 15, 2017







We had quite the weekend filled with celebrations and something we didn't expect; four days without power. Last Wednesday, a terrible windstorm with near hurricane force winds blew through the Detroit area (and the rest of the state) and left close to a million homes without power. So many trees and power lines were down, it took quite a while for the power to be restored and there are many still without power as of today. Unfortunately we are in the middle of a serious cold spell, so temperatures in the teens result in some awfully cold houses when there is no heat. Many people have generators, but those who did not needed to make alternate plans and hotels quickly filled. Luckily, we were able to stay in a condo we have rented while our house in Florida is being built - and it had heat and power!

Megan and Adam (her new fiancé) were coming in town for her birthday and we had planned a fun last weekend together at our house. But, we made the best of things and ended up having a really nice weekend. We had a delicious dinner at a new restaurant we have discovered that serves a variety of smoked meat and fresh sides, served family style. Before dinner, Megan opened birthday presents, there was an engagement present to open and a champagne toast to the happy couple. We also started to talk about wedding plans and agreed that the goal is to keep things fun. After dinner, we had a combination birthday/engagement cake to keep the celebration going.

The next morning we took bagels, coffee and mimosas to Melissa's apartment and relaxed and enjoyed a quiet Sunday morning before Megan and Adam headed back to Pittsburgh. Often in life, plans don't always work out like you imagine, but can end up being even better.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Sounds like you all had fun, perhaps a little different than planned but still fun:) Have a blessed and warm day, HUGS!

  2. It's always fun to just go with the flow and make things work out when the unexpected happens. Sounds like y'all did just that. Great photo of you two!

  3. What a fun weekend in spite of the storm! I've been meaning to leave a comment and tell you congratulations on your daughter's engagement! How exciting! A new house and a new son-in-law! Fun times are headed your way!!

  4. Sounds like a happy time!
    Happy you are safe, although a bit chilled . . .
    We have had the high winds, not the damage though . . .

  5. I'm so grateful our area got missed by all that intense weather! While we traveled to Pennsylvania last Thursday we saw several convoys of utility company trucks heading towards Ohio and we imagined towards Michigan to help out. We met a lot of them on the way back on Monday heading east and we figured they were also going to have to help with the bad weather they got along the east coast.

  6. And usually the most fun comes from spontaneous times spent with loved ones.... bet she will have great memories of her engagement celebration, chilliness and all!

  7. it is crazy weather out there! Glad you were able to enjoy the weekend despite it all!! Darling picture of you girls and that cake looks delish!

  8. Having time together is the best, no matter what! Congratulations and happy belated birthday to Megan!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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