Friday, March 31, 2017

Life Lately







Now that the sale our house has officially closed, I can update you on what is happening with our move. We have about 10 days until the movers arrive. They will finish up the packing ( all the breakables) and move everything out and put it in storage. Then, it's off to a temporary condo here in Michigan for a couple of months until our new house is ready. It has been a whirlwind of activity with a lot of packing, organizing, donating and selling furniture. The house sold in 3 days, thank goodness, because being out of the house for house showings (with a dog in tow) is not fun.

We are in constant contact with our builder in Florida and he sends us photo of the progress, along with our real estate agent. The photos I am showing you are a few weeks old, so there has been even more progress since they were taken. We just heard that the tile in the master bath shower is in and I can't wait to see that. We picked everything out so long ago, it's hard to remember what it is supposed to look like, but I am looking forward to seeing it all come together.

Once we are out of our house here and basically living out of a suitcase, I will be so ready to finally be home again. We are having incredibly dreary weather here too and I am longing for sun and warmth. Thankfully it won't be long until those sunshiny Florida days will be the norm. I can't wait to take you along.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Sounds like things are moving along smoothly. Your house looks great! Have a good weekend packing, Vicki.

  2. Just simply . . .
    Exciting . . .
    Happy you are taking us along . . .
    Love what I see . . .
    Looks like some water in view too . . .

  3. Oh how exciting! I will move with you to sunny Florida:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. SO exciting! Although I know living out of a suitcase and not having all your "stuff" can be burdensome, just continue to look at the bright side, which is going to be that sunny, Florida weather! ENjoy!

  5. Oh be done with the sale and soon having everything packed and out, is so exciting. My only question is, why would you stay in dreary ole Michigan [I know the weather's been a fright - I live in Temperance, south-east corner of the state] and not just MOVE to Florida and put your stuff in storage there and live in a rental? Just wondering...


  6. Yay! Yay!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻! Wow it's all so real now! Cannot wait to know everything about new house. Close to gulf? Big lot and yard? What's your fave room gonna be?? In a neighborhood? SO excited for you not to mention you're gonna. E closer to me! In fact I'll be in Florida in may for few weeks..../maybe next yr once you're moved in.....we can meet up!!!!
    If you could see our day here then day....beautiful sunshine, crisp spring air bout 79 degrees,'ll wonder what took u so long to get down here!!!

  7. So exciting!! Sounds like you will be moving down right when the summer heat and humidity set in. Just know that October will be heavenly!!

  8. Congratulations on the sale of your house. What a relief that must be. Can't wait to see your newly finished home in Florida.

  9. Such an exciting, nerve-wracking time! Can't wait to see pics of the new house! Will your daughter get married in MI?

  10. Congratulations on such a fast sale! Looking forward to seeing more of your new house.

  11. Oh, Vicki, it's been awhile since I've visited. Congratulations on such a fast sale. Our home took awhile but we had acreage with it and needed just the right buyer. We finally closed last month. Such a relief. I'm so excited for you now that your new home is under construction, I'll definitely be following along more often. So excited for you!!!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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