Friday, March 24, 2017

March Book Club







Another month, another lovely book club. Our hostess recently downsized and moved to a beautiful lake house and this was my first time seeing her new home. Everything about it was stunning, but the sunset view over the water, post dinner, was something I could definately envy.

The meal she served had ties to the book we read which is always a fun touch. The main character in the book (The Rosie Project) has Asperger's Syndrome and one of his coping mechanisms is a weekly meal plan with an entree for every night, exactly the same each week. We had leek and potato soup and a lobster and shrimp salad as a homage to the book's Tuesday night menu. Served with two types of crusty bread, it was beyond delicious. Later, during our book discussion, we enjoyed the perfect light dessert; peach and mango ice cream, topped with Creme de Cassis.



More on our book: The Rosie Project is a quick, but touching and funny read about Don, a high functioning college professor with autism and what happens when a women called Rosie shakes up his well ordered life. Our discussion touched on many subjects, but one of the most hilarious was about the bad dates we have experienced. There are many hilarious ones in the book, but some of our memories were quite funny too. We are always learning new things about each other through our book discussions and that is what makes our book club so fun.

Have a wonderful weekend.



  1. Book sounds good . . .
    Book Club . . . YOURS . . . is the best . . .
    Loved seeing the group picture . . . lovely setting.
    Salad and potato leek soup, bread . . . a bit of an Irish flare too . . .

  2. Dinner looks and sounds amazing! What a fun idea she had to copy the dinner in the book!

  3. Your hostess put together a beautiful meal! I read that book a couple of years ago and yes, a quick read, but fun. -Jenn

  4. What a great dinner and setting for a reading discussion. I haven't read the book, but it's on my almost endless list.

  5. I've heard of this book. It's on my list, too.
    I adore that dining room--so bright and happy!

  6. What a beautiful setting! And a delicious looking dinner!


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