Friday, December 20, 2013

A Recipe for My Daughters



My daughters and I have been making these Ginger Cut Out cookies since their pre-school days and the tradition has continued through their college years. We have gone from the girls mostly playing with the dough with their plastic rolling pins to taking over the decorating of the cookies.

This recipe is from a pre-school Christmas event we attended called Hand to Hand and it was a wonderful experience with cookies to decorate, a room all in white with a multitude of angels and a real live baby in a manger. Having this recipe from those days and making it every year with my daughters brings back so many memories of those special times when they were little girls and everything about Christmas was magical.

One of the great things about this blog is that I can document this recipe for them - all its quirks and in my own voice. Much more than they can get from of recipe card. This makes a wonderful light ginger cookie, with flavors of holiday spices and a hint of orange. So this is for my daughters, but may become your favorite too.


Ginger Cut Out Cookies

1 cup butter flavored crisco

1 egg

1 1/2 cups sugar

4 tsp. orange rind (from the spice aisle)

2 T light corn syrup

2 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. ginger

1/2 tsp. cloves

1/2,tsp. salt

2 tsp. baking soda

1 1/2 cups flour

Cream crisco and sugar then add egg and beat until light and fluffy. Add orange rind and corn syrup; mix well. Sift dry ingredients together; stir into moist ingredients. Texture of dough should easily form a soft ball. Wrap dough in saran wrap and chill over night.

Spread a generous amount of flour on counter. Using 1/2 of dough to start, knead flour into dough until workable ( doesn't stick to counter or rolling pin) Roll 1/4 inch thick, cut out shapes and place on ungreased cookie sheet. Repeat with other 1/2 of dough.

Bake at 350 degrees for 7- 8 minutes. Remove from oven when cookies look slightly under done and allow to sit on cookie sheet for 30 seconds. Remove gently to a cooling rack. Frost and decorate with sprinkles, if desired. Makes 4 dozen.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Linking with Kelly's Korner, Show Us Your Life



  1. Oh enjoy the holidays with your girls and they are going to love this post, I certainly do and am going to bake these they look delicious. Enjoy those giggles I know I will be enjoying the ones in my house. Hug B

  2. SO SWEET:) I love traditions! I know they will carry on these traditions! Have a blessed day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  3. Thanks for Ginger..I'll hang on to the recipe.Probably won't get them made for this Christmas..Have a great weekend..

  4. Vicki, We make gingerbread every year too and don't you love the way they smell while they bake?

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year! xxleslie

  5. Sound yummy! I am all for traditions.

  6. I know they smell Like Christmas!

  7. These look and sound delicious! I'm going to pass this along to my daughter and daughter-in-law who are the bakers in our family.

  8. That's the best gift you can possibly give your daughters! The cookies look great, by the way. Merry Christmas to you, Vicki!

  9. Love your blog and follow it by email daily! I think we may be in the same phase of life, albeit I must be just a wee bit older!! haha!
    Just wanted to tell you in case you don't already do it. My blog is just for my kids document our lives in a type of diary form. So every yr after 31st of Dec, I have the blog made into a soft cover book for them, They now have about 5 books of blog posts and pics and they absolutely love it. Grandkids do too. Now, they can look back anytime if they're wondering what the famiy or any of us did at a certain date during that yr. You may already do this but when I read this morning about you preserving your recipes for your girls.......
    I have 3 sons who now have married and have given me precious is good!! In this empty nest!!

  10. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I made them yesterday and I LOVE them. My son does too! Merry Christmas Vicki.

  11. Vicki, I just *love* family cookie traditions! (Wrote about my own last week.)


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