Friday, April 6, 2018

April Book Club - Ordinary Grace




My book club in Florida is very different than my book club in Michigan. The biggest differences being no dinner, no wine and new women I've just met, rather than my dearest friends. But, the underlying reason I go to book club is still there. I love to read. I love to discuss the books I read. And, I love to find that hidden gem of a book that is one that I would normally not pick if given the choice.

Ordinary Grace by William Kent Kruger is a book that is part coming of age and part mystery. The setting; a small town in Minnesota, during one summer in 1961, brought me right back to my own childhood in a small Midwestern town in the late 1960's. In this story, there is death and hardship, but there are also small acts of ordinary grace that can be so prevalent in small town America.

From Amazon: New Bremen, Minnesota, 1961. The Twins were playing their debut season, ice-cold root beers were selling out at the soda counter of Halderson’s Drugstore, and Hot Stuff comic books were a mainstay on every barbershop magazine rack. It was a time of innocence and hope for a country with a new, young president. But for thirteen-year-old Frank Drum it was a grim summer in which death visited frequently and assumed many forms. Accident. Nature. Suicide. Murder.

You will feel the grief that this family feels and also understand how in the end, it is faith, family and friends that we all must rely on in times of trouble. It's a book that makes you think, makes you feel and that keeps you guessing until the end.

Happy Reading!



  1. Wait... NO WINE? You need to start you own book club, dear Vicki. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Girlfriend! You gotta spice that book club up!!

  3. I was just thinking the same thing Preppy said... start your own book club!

  4. I know you miss your old book club friends, but are enjoying reading and discussing with the new friends! Have a blessed and beautiful weekend dear Vicki, HUGS!

  5. I have read Ordinary Grace . . .
    Thought so when I first read your post, then went to Amazon to check for sure.
    I agree, good read . . . I do like a book that makes me “think and feel.”
    Does your book club meet at members homes . . .
    If so, bring out the wine when they visit your house!

    I just heard about this book, haven’t read it myself yet
    but the friend who mentioned it to me said it is now in her top ten.

    A Gentleman In Moscow
    Amor Towles

  6. Kudos to you for joining a new group. I'm incredibly shy and would be nervous joining a club even with gals I knew!

    The book sounds interesting. I'll check out the reviews. Right now I have a stack!


  7. I second Katie's comment! But in the meantime, I'm glad you have found some Florida book-loving pals!


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