Monday, April 16, 2018

Sunshine State of Mind




This weekend, I went for a walk with my puppy on my favorite walking trail that starts in downtown Venice and ends at the beach. It was close to sunset on Saturday, so dinner time downtown, with a lot of people strolling the avenue, eating at outside tables and just a generaly happy, vacation vibe. At the beach, there was live music playing in the pavilion, couples dancing and many people arriving with their beach chairs to watch the sunset. Again, happy people everywhere.

Since I have lived here, I have noticed that people are active and out and about, everywhere I go. There are walkers and bikers galore. People embrace this endless summer and the happiness is contagious. Yes, I live here and life for me has settled somewhat, but when you are around others who are on vacation, it puts you in that frame of mind too. Walking becomes more of a stroll, rather than purposeful. There are no heads down, tucked away from the cold, but faces turned towards the sun and smiles.

I get asked a lot, by my friends and family in Michigan how I like the heat in Florida, especially in the summer months. It really is not a problem, because every place is air conditioned. Otherwise you adjust your outdoor activities to the cooler times of day. Shade and ceiling fans mean you can still sit outside too. A dip in the pool or at the beach feel that much better when the temperature rises. Blue sky and sunshine when I wake up in the morning, blooming flowers year around and seeing green all the time is good for my health and good for my mood. It really is a sunshine state of mind.

Happy Monday!



  1. I needed to hear a “sunshine state of mind.”
    We are sitting in a wintery ice snow mix mess here in Michigan . . .
    I am holding my face up and remembering your cheerful post today!

  2. Spoken as a true, albeit transported, Southern Gal! Welcome to our world!

  3. We are back in the 40s today. Crazy times. Looking forward to the sunshine.

  4. It sounds absolutely fabulous. It’s hard for me even to imagine, sitting here in the cold up in Washington state. Thank you for transporting me, even if it was just for a little while, to a warmer place.
    Blessings, Betsy

  5. I am so glad you are enjoying Florida. I feel it is much different when you are working full time, it means you can get close to the beach but can't visit very often. Life gets too busy to enjoy all that this state has to offer.

    1. Yes, it is very different when you are working, but I still think sunshine always helps :-) We are very blessed to be able to retire young and very happy we chose to take a leap of faith and move to a new place.

  6. The Venice Chamber of Commerce should hire you to write their blog posts!! Sunshine and happiness just beam from your descriptions!

  7. Sounds wonderful! I could use a little of your sunshine and warmth here in rainy Vancouver!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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