Friday, July 19, 2019

4 Ingredient Peach Cobbler

Peaches and July just go together and if you are searching for an easy and delicious recipe, try this one.  Because I love something like this for breakfast, that’s how I will enjoy it, but it would also be a delicious dessert with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the top.

The fact that this recipe has four ingredients makes it my favorite kind.  No big shopping list required, because you most likely have what you need in your pantry.  It’s a spur of the moment dessert for when company drops by or your sweet tooth is calling.

To make:  spray an 8x8 baking dish with cooking spray.  Pour in 1 can of sliced peaches with juice.  Pour 1/2 packet yellow cake mix on top and press down.  Dot with 1/2 stick of butter cut in small pieces.  Sprinkle with cinnamon to taste.  Bake 45 minutes at 375 degrees.

That’s it and somehow after baking,  it magically becomes peach cobbler.



  1. I love peach cobbler and I make one every summer. Yours looks so good.

  2. Sounds wonderful and super easy!

  3. A girl after my own heart! I could eat peach cobbler for breakfast, too!

  4. Wow! How easy is that!! Thanks!

  5. Easy and delicious... that's my kind of recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Yum. I have fresh peaches that I need to use. Thanks for the recipe. Have a blessed day dear friend. Hugs


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