Friday, July 12, 2019

On Turning 60

So, I have some thoughts on turning 60.

 First, it’s not so bad!  60 is the new 40, right.  But, in all seriousness a few years ago, I was dreading leaving my fifties and 60 sounded like a really big number.  After moving to Florida and totally reinventing my lifestyle, I am in better shape than I have been in many years, my heath is good and life here is really like living in paradise everyday.  There is a lot to celebrate.

I wrote about my health journey after being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes here, and how that was really the catalyst for me to make changes.  There are so many health issues associated with Diabetes and I was determined to overcome all those challenges.  Along the way, I reclaimed the active younger me who I had lost.  Who was that person that drank a can of Coke for breakfast ?! Walking and yoga, along with healthier eating will be what keeps me young and enjoying retirement with my husband.  We retired young and are determined enjoy every minute of it.

Age really is just a number and that is so evident here in Florida.  I tend to be one of the younger ones
around and I am so inspired by those who are twenty years older than me, but still active every day.  It’s all about keeping moving, keeping flexible and staying strong.  I recommend yoga to everyone
for that very reason.  At 60, I am stronger and more flexible than ever and am proud of those 2
(working on 3) minute planks.  And when I golf, my drives are longer than ever.

So, I’m looking at 60 as the beginning of a new chapter.  A chapter of life that I am excited about, without looking back and worrying about getter older.  It’s a cliche, but if you are as young as you feel, I am ready to live my life with energy and new experiences for as long as possible.  There is so much to look forward to.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. SO true! I am 65 now and honestly have never felt better! We just keep on keepin' on no matter our age. Have a beautiful day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. I have been my happiest in my 60s. I wish I had my 40s body and health but I do my best and boy, do I love living my life! Three cheers on your good feelings about that number!

  3. I just turned 50. I just hope I can look as young as you in my 60's!!!
    You look great!

  4. Love love love this post! Made a long reply to ur bday post but it got eaten up by www.
    I’ve had eye surgery and can hardly see keyboard. I’ll come back when it’s better.
    Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!!

  5. I love this post!! So full of energy and joy!! Florida is THE place to celebrate our later years full of life and fun!

  6. Yay! Florida looks good on you! Enjoyed seeing all your "birthday pics" on Insta!

  7. I am five years behind you, happy 60!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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