Friday, November 8, 2019

Book Club - Where the Crawdads Sing

The book club in my neighborhood met last night with a record twenty four women. There was wine and the discussion was interesting, lively and thought provoking.  The book we discussed, Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens was one of the best books I have read in a very long time.  It is beautifully written; part love story, part murder mystery and part scientific journal.  The North Carolina marsh, where the novel takes place, becomes a character in itself; as important as air to the main character, Kya.  The writing is lyrical and it’s one of those novels that stays with you long after you finish.

I have a love, hate relationship with best sellers.  It takes me a long time to want to read a book that everyone is raving about, because many times these books take on a predictably and formula. I call it the Gone Girl effect.  This book is not like that.  I promise you that you have not read a novel similar to this.  From the characters, to the setting, to the plot, there is something unique in how it is written and how it makes you feel.

Read this book, go see the movie when it comes out in the future and lose yourself in the story of “The Marsh Girl”.

Have a wonderful weekend.



  1. WOW, that was a large group! I know you enjoyed it and that book sounds wonderful. Have a beautiful day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. Our book club did that too. EVERYONE loved it!

  3. I feel the same way about best sellers. I'm not so sure that I will ever read this one. I've seen the author interviewed and I wasn't intrigued. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

    1. We watched her CBS Sunday Morning interview and she does not come across at all like she writes. Beautiful, evocative writing.

  4. I'm glad you enjoyed it, but I didn't feel the same way about it. Have a great weekend!

  5. I'm dying to read that. A friend has offered to loan it to me and if she doesn't, I have it on my Christmas wish list. So, maybe soon.

  6. We picked Crawdads for our August book club book and five of us are still on library waiting lists for it! I'm glad it's going to be worth the wait!!

  7. That's a big book group, how interesting. There must have been so many thoughts on the book with so many different women attending. Sounds like fun. I am in complete agreement with you about the gone girl effect (didn't like the book). I haven't read your book group read for that very reason but I am now adding it to my Audible wish list. Have a great weekend x

  8. my book club read it and so did most of the people at work--it's a very good read and tells a very interesting story. I loved the ending.

  9. My book group is reading Where the Crawdads Sing for our December meeting. I hope to get it soon from the library, otherwise I will buy a copy. I am glad you have good things to say about it. Like you I have a love hate relationship with best seller books. Also with prize winning books, some are stellar and some bleh/a waste of time.

  10. I read that book and enjoyed it. I understand the Gone Girl affect, a book I actually detested and stopped reading mid way through.


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