Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Freezing Rain


We experienced a quick change in the temperature yesterday morning, as the snow changed to freezing rain and coated the branches of the trees. It was a fleeting beauty, with fog in the background, creating a softness all around.

There was a moment in time, between the snowfall and the rain, in which I was able to capture the ice forming on the branches.

Everything had a silver hue; not the crystal beauty when the sun comes out after an ice storm, but quieter. There was a weight on the branches, bringing everything close.

I love the constant changes when I look out the window in the morning, during the winter months. Whether it is the beauty of fresh snow or the surprise of the woods coated in ice, there is always something new to appreciate. There may not be flowers or leaves, but there is beauty, nonetheless.

Enjoy your day today!


Linking with Mockingbird Hill Cottage, Favorite Things and No Winter Whining



  1. It is beautiful, isn't it! - and treacherous. We've got fog and ice everywhere today.

  2. This post took a different angle than I was expecting. Freezing rain=danger, but you're absolutely right that it is also beautiful and lends a hush to the world. Thanks for the reminder to see the good!

  3. Glad to see what a sight it was...I was too busy frantically cleaning off my car from its ice/snow bubble so I could get to work on time lol

  4. Thanks for showing us the up side to an ice storm! I used to see them as a child and always thought they had magical results. Ann

  5. I really like that last shot.

  6. They are beautiful. I hope you don't see the ugly side with downed trees and power lines.

  7. There is beauty even in an ice storm, isn't there!

  8. The ice sure can be beautiful if you're able to enjoy it from your nice, warm house... or to step outside for just a few minutes to bathe in its beauty & take a few pics.

  9. Winter has it's own spcial beauty. Lovely shots.

  10. For me who hasn't experienced snow yet aside from the SnowParks, these real photos of surroundings are almost enough. They are enchantingly beautiful, but always just alien to me!

  11. We had 60 degree weather today but in the morning we are expecting below freezing weather. Since it rained today that will mean ice on the sidewalks and roads. We are going to pay dearly for that nice weather today, I fear.

    Nice photos of ice and snow where you live. Enjoy the quiet. It is like fairyland isn't it?

    JM Illinois

  12. Great snow captures. It is like a dream to me.

  13. Exquisite 'ice' photography ~ thanx ^_^

    Carol of : A Creative Harbor ^_^

  14. It sure is pretty on the branches!

  15. Beautiful! It's been many, many years since I've experienced weather like this, but what I remember the most about the snow & ice, was the quiet -- almost an eerie quietness. I kind of felt that looking at your photos. Thanks for sharing!

  16. It's so beautiful but, I must admit, I am longing for spring!!!

    Found you by way of Mockingbird Cottage!


  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Such lovely shots. The trees are so magical when covered in snow and ice. Take care. Chel

  19. We haven't had ice on the trees this winter. Now it is snowing again after a period of warmer weather. One more month to go until spring. Altought I may see beauty in winter I long for spring. Have a nice weeekend and enjoy the view from your window. Regula

  20. Lovely photos, Vicki. We had some of that earlier in the week. Ice is dangerous. But it's also beautiful!


  21. Beautiful photos--I miss this landscape! We don't get that here in South Florida :(

  22. Thank you for linking to No Winter Whining today. I love the quiet hush too, Vicki.

  23. It's such a beautiful part of nature to photograph, and you did a great job.

    But oh so hard on the trees....

    Thanks for linking up to No Winter Whining.


  24. Great photos. Isn't it awesome --- we had rain and fog that melted all of our snow. The fog was swirling in the wind and it made it look so spooky. It was kind of fun. We didn't get the ice - you're photos captured nature so well.

  25. That KIND of icing can be dangerous, but it is really pretty! There-- I think I got it right this time!

  26. Beautiful photographs, you've captured the elusive beauty of the moment perfectly! Thanks so much for sharing your lovely pictures,Deb

  27. Such beautiful photographs, thank you for sharing your lovely winterscape with us!

  28. Hello, I found you through the No Winter Whining linkup. Lovely photos. I remember ice storms from when I lived in the Midwest. I enjoyed the beauty, as long as I didn't have to go anywhere!

  29. Love the photos with the glitzening ice crystals. Ice is great for viewing but not for the driving. Oops, was that a whine . . . I better stop while I am ahead!

    Lovely blog to visit . . .

  30. Those are such beautiful images, Vicki! You're so lucky to have that setting to enjoy in the winter months. It's true that snow and ice and winter sunlight cast a different beauty around the world, and you captured some of it so beautifully in your photographs!

  31. Ugh, freezing rain... nothing worse, nor scarier (for the roads)... but indeed something to behold when nature launches itself creating more beauty than is already there... indeed lovely, thanks so much for showing us! Thanks again for joining in on our No Winter Whining, such a pleasure! Cheers~


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