Friday, December 4, 2020

Aldi Wine Advent Calendar (Year 2)

Again, this is so much fun.  After trying it last year, there was no doubt that I would be going to Aldi on the release day, even if it meant standing in line.  But, with social distancing in mind, my Florida Aldi, didnot allow any lining up this year and opened early and handed out vouchers when you walked up.  Very efficient and very much appreciated.

I was looking forward to starting the opening on December 1st and now look forward to opening the cardboard circle each day to see what kind of wine I will get to enjoy.  So far, for the first three nights, all three wines have been pretty great.  Especially the first night with a bubbly rose, one of my favorites.  

For those who don’t know how it works, there is a precut circle to open each night leading up to Christmas. Inside each circle is a different variety of wine in a small single serving bottle. The majority are very good and a great way to try some new wines.  Last year my daughter in Pittsburgh did it with me from long distance and we enjoyed rating the wines together.

It’s too late this year, because it always sells out the same day it is released, but take my word for it, go to Aldi on the wine advent calendar release day in 2021 (usually first Wednesday in November) and celebrate the season in this unique way.

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Thank you for the idea . . .
    and to look forward to for next year!
    Aldi Wine Zoom Night!

  2. I’m doing it too!!! But we don’t have Aldis here. But I found it at one of our Kroger’s. Must be different manufacturer than yours tho because my wines are completely different from yours.
    We’re having fun too texting and staging our wine pics each night! Thanks for telling me about it last yr!!

    1. Glad you are doing it with your daughters in law. Anything to keep in tough these days is good!

  3. Nice to look forward to each day, YUM! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!


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