Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Life Lately in Photos


We have been trying to squeeze every little bit of holiday cheer out of this weird season and so far, we are finding things to do.  We really enjoyed the Christmas Boat Parade in Venice and while not official and city sponsored this year, it was still really good with lots of creative boats, including one with a live band playing.  It’s along the Intercoastal Waterway, so plenty of room to take your chair, a cooler and socially distance.

With my volunteer group, we worked hard one morning decorating a city park and my job was to decorate the big tree the city usually uses for a tree lighting ceremony.  Not this year of course, but there are still lights galore in the park to stroll around and enjoy on your own.

My house has lots of twinkle lights, including a tree on top of the pool waterfall and while I don’t go all out like I used too, I have added a few touches that definitely say Coastal Christmas.

We did a pre Christmas happy hour on the beach, with a sunset that was incredibly beautiful and many toasts to the holiday season.  I am also still having fun with the Aldi Wine Advent Calendar and posting a photo of the wine most nights on Instagram stories.

We have a dinner reservation on Friday in an area filled with Christmas lights, so more fun to come.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. It looks like you're really getting into the spirit. I'm noticing here that either people don't seem to be doing anything or they're going all out. No in between. That sunset is gorgeous. Lucky you. I'm shoveling snow, or in todays case, slush!

  2. So happy you are enjoying Florida, Vicki. Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  3. I love that you were able to help decorate the park and also enjoy the company of others this season! Merry and Happy to you!

  4. Beautiful decorations. I would love to be there at Christmas, sigh... perhaps next year:) HUGS!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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