Monday, December 21, 2020

All Is Merry and Bright


There is an area in Sarasota that does Christmas lights in a big way and I had heard it was a bit extra this year.  It is one of the main shopping areas with a mall (University Town Center), but there are also many outdoor stores and restaurants with outdoor seating.  I booked a reservation at a favorite Italian restaurant and we had a lovely time sitting on the patio surrounded by beautiful lights.  An added bonus was the live Christmas music performed just across the traffic circle.  We are having a few chilly nights in a row here, but a heater right next to our table, kept us comfortable.

After dinner we drove around the area a bit and enjoyed the lights changing color.  I still love palm trees with Christmas lights and am not sure I will become blasé about living in a place where that happens.  We also made a stop in downtown Venice and walked through a park filled with lights by community groups, including a visit to the city tree that I helped decorate.

We are definitely in the Christmas spirit and ready to celebrate this week.  It will look a little different, but we will be with our daughters and there will still be the magic of Christmas shining away, no matter what.

Happy Christmas week!


  1. It looks beautiful! Sending all good wishes from "up north" to you! Merry Christmas!

    1. Merry Christmas! Flying up Wednesday and hunkering down in a VRBO in Royal Oak with the girls. Will be cooking a lot, playing games and zooming family. Weird, but a good plan I think.

  2. Beautiful photos and lucky you to be with your daughters. We'll be alone as we have been since last Thanksgiving. I have a ham purchased and a few other holiday treats so it will be fine and we'll talk to everyone via facetime or zoom.
    Merry Christmas!

  3. You are blessed that you can spend time with your daughters! Our family is all staying put this year to keep everyone healthy! Thank goodness for Zoom
    Have a wonderful xmas & stay safe


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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