Thursday, June 13, 2024

Tropical Rain


Rainy days and Mondays.  Starting on Monday, we have had a week of tropical rain; band after band of both light and heavy, with only a few breaks.  We were desperate for rain, but like many things it is feast or famine and nothing in between.  There has been local flooding, especially in Sarasota and Miami, but just soaking wet by me.  The good news is that the retention ponds are all full again and the grass will green up nicely when the sun returns.  More good news is that it looks like we will be returning to our typical summer weather pattern with quick afternoon thunderstorms.  Those have been missing the past couple of years and will be very welcome.  It is tropical south Florida after all, not the desert.

I am feeling a little house bound and will definitely try to make it to the beach soon.  The errands I need to run are at gardening centers, so I hope to find a dry window tomorrow for that.  Planting might have to wait, because this is too much rain for new plant roots.

Other news is that this is the start of Melissa’s bachelorette weekend and luckily they chose a different part of Florida that will be beautiful and sunny.  They will be in the panhandle in Rosemary Beach celebrating the bride to be.  Megan, her matron of honor, has worked really hard to make it a lovely time for all.  I can’t wait until the photos start appearing.  One month and 6 days until wedding day.  It is getting real.

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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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