Monday, August 27, 2012

Farmer's Market = Healthy Sunday Dinner

Going to the Farmer's Market this time of year is so rewarding. So many fresh vegetables at great prices. It makes putting together a simple, healthy dinner really easy.

Just look at these colorful vegetables. I purchased tomatoes, corn, peppers, cucumbers and squash. Also, some pretty sunflowers for my table. Since I do not have a vegetable garden, it is wonderful to have a Farmer's Market as an alternative to the grocery store. My menu for dinner on Sunday, included all these vegetables, plus Asian Chicken, cooked in the crock pot. This chicken just falls apart and is juicy and flavorful, with a sauce made from pineapple juice, brown sugar and soy sauce.

Crock Pot Asian Chicken Recipe

1 cup pineapple juice

1/2 cup packed brown sugar

1/3 cup light soy sauce

2 lbs chicken breast

Cook in crock pot on low 6- 8 hours and it should just fall apart.

Note: I brushed the chicken with some BBQ sauce and put under the broiler for a few minutes, to blacken the outside.


The best thing about this dinner menu is that by using the crock pot, I was able to spend the afternoon at the pool and come home to a dinner already cooked. It was a relaxing Sunday, with a healthy meal to end the day.

And the big news of the day was - my husband got his first hole in one, playing golf in the afternoon!

Summer - I will miss you :-)

Linking this post with these friends this week :-)

Gooseberry Patch

Rattleridge Farm



Mom's Test Kitchen

Jam's Corner

Back For Seconds

Must Try Mondays

Serendipity and Spice

Full Circle Creations

Savvy Southern Style

Handy Man Crafty Woman

The DIY Dreamer

The Charm of Home

Simple Home Life

Have A Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson

Serenity Now

Funky Junk Interiors

1929 Charmer

I Heart Naptime

Sunny Simple Life

Between Naps on the Porch

Alderberry Hill

Salt Tree

The Dedicated House

Cozy Little House

a bowl full of lemons

Love and Laundry

And more friends I find :-)


  1. Congrats to your that is awesome and not easy to do! I'm going to make this for sure. One thing so far I have enjoyed about an empty nest is making all the meals my daughter turned her nose up at...but cooking less has been a struggle. I'm a huge one pot cooking fan. Happy Monday!

  2. Yummy recipe, thanks for sharing! I love fresh veggies! Congrats to the HUBS on the hole-in-one:) I bet he will do it again! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. Looks delicious and so simple! Just pinned this! :)
    Stopping over from Mom's Test Meal Mondays.

  4. My kind of recipe! Simple and delicious!
    I'll definitely have to give it a try!
    I might even toss in some strips of green peppers!

  5. Sounds like a delicious meal Vicki
    and best of all an easy one too!

    Well done to your husband
    bet he was soooo proud!

    Have a good week


  6. Hiya, I found your blog on 'blog hops everday' and I am now following you. I have to say that post has made me really hungry. Those vegetables look lush! Can I have an invite for dinner ;-)

    Hope you can stop by my place too!

  7. Congrats to hubby! And your meal looks fabulous! We'll have summer a little longer here in FL...I'm so glad! Enjoy your week!

  8. This chicken sounds delicious! I am going to make it - I usually do not do crock pot recipes in the summer- we normally grill. But... for this I will make an exception! We go to our local farmers market here and we have a garden plot in our community garden too - we have tons of fresh stuff every weekend- I love it!!

  9. Just love using the crockpot and always looking for new recipes to make in it. So convenient. I'll be trying this one soon. Joined your site as a follower, so I'll be back to see what you have in store next. Karen @ BakingInATornado

  10. Love the look of that chicken. I must go to more farmers' markets. Have a good week.

    PS I know you have probably been busy. Just a wee reminder that it would be great if you followed Carole's Chatter back. Cheers

  11. Hello :)

    Stopping by from the GFC blog hop today! Hope you are haveing a great week so far.

    Smooches from Germany,
    Anni //

  12. A hole in one is a big deal ... congrats to your hubby! I love the farmer's market and will be so sad to see the end of tomatoes. Thanks for the crock pot recipe ... looks and sounds delicious!

  13. all those veggies look so good! I love it when fresh vegetables are easy to find and in season!

  14. I make a chicken just like that. I add a bit of chili sauce to it too. Now I'm hungry...

  15. Looks Yummy!
    I would love to have you link this up to my linky party!

  16. Looks great! I'm gonna miss the veggies but not the hot weather! Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party!


  17. This looks so good! We love Asian flavors so I think this would be a hit! Definitely going to try it out!
    Thanks for sharing this at Mom's Test Meal Mondays!

  18. Love using my crockpot! Even in the summer. Thanks for sharing at Must Try Monday.

  19. Wow that chicken sounds amazing, definitely on my to try list this fall when things get busy. Thanks so much for linking up to Show & Share Wednesday!

  20. I love the farmer's market - I think I'm overdue a trip now!

  21. Good bounty! You should stop by my blog tomorrow and submit to my new photo meme, "Orange You Glad It's Friday" Hope to see you there!

  22. Sounds so delicious and simple! Its the time of the year that calls for simple, so I'll have to definitely give this a try! Thanks for sharing!

  23. Thank you for sharing your yummy recipe at Potpourri Friday! Remember to enter the Home Depot Giveaway!

  24. Calling by from Share your Cup, markets are so important as a source of fresh food if you are unable to grow your own.

  25. Love fresh veggies.... new follower now too - hope you will stop by and do the same...though I'm a Twins fan LOL :-) Deb

  26. Simples, lindos e saborosos! beijos,tudo de bom,chica

  27. Looks delicious. Thank you for sharing at Rural Thursdays this week.

  28. So nice to come home to a meal all prepared. It looks delicious. Congrats to hubby for his hole in one. Sounds like you both had a rewarding day. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  29. Vicki, it looks delicious! Crock pots are so handy, aren't they? You come home, dinner's ready. What could be more perfect?

    Thanks so much for joining my party - come back next week!


  30. Yummy veg and a whole in one! awesome Thank you for sharing your lovely post at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop Linky Party xo

  31. Don't you just love the farmers market, I love them, all the fresh veggies. I've been canning like a demon lately. Your chicken dish sounds and looks yummy and I will be giving it a try! Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – you helped make the party a success!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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