Monday, August 13, 2012

The Gift of Girlfriends

My friends and I had a girl's night out Saturday, while most of our husbands were either out of town or busy. We had a lot of laughs, many heart felt conversations, good food, wine and even did some late night dancing.

We attended a clambake; an outdoor summer party, at a club where some of us are members. There was a large tent for dinner, as well as tables outside for after dinner socializing and dancing. The food was amazing and included lobster, mussels and clams, and a buffet with chicken, crab cakes, jumbo shrimp, steak kabobs and too many side dishes to name. There was a strawberry, chocolate concoction for dessert, and some of our group, topped off the evening with hummers.

The band played some great, get up and dance music and here are my fun, friends dancing to Abba's Dancing Queen. " you are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen...". Can't you just hear it playing now?

Another fun, silly highlight of the night were the crab races, where you could bet on the color of crab you thought would win the race. This is my friend's reaction when she won. So cute!

Our conversations are always interesting, but Saturday's was especially bittersweet, as we discussed possible retirement home styles and locations. None of us are really at that point yet, but we all agreed that the best plan is to make a pact to be close together. We can't imagine not all living within a few miles of each other. Something tells me that plan may not work out, but I know we will all find a way to stay in touch, no matter where we end up living :-)



  1. Sounds and looks like fun was had by all!

  2. Lovely photos! I am sure you all had a fabulous night:)

  3. Loved looking at the photos
    and it certainly sounds as though you
    had a great night with your friends.

    Wishing you many more!


  4. Girlfriends are the best! I am off now to get my nails done with my girlfriend. Enjoy your day!

  5. Girls Night Out is my favorite...looks like a lot of fun!!

  6. Sounds like you had such a good time out with your friends. If there's one thing I've learned in my short time being married it's that you still have to take care of your relationships with your friends. They save you sometimes! Just found your blog and I'm so glad I did! I've enjoyed getting to know you better. I'm excited to follow along!

    new follower :)

  7. I love girls nights!! Looks like so much fun.. I love all your pictures :)

    I found your blog from the GFC blog hop! I"m your newest follower!

  8. Vicki which one of the pretty ladies are you?


    ps followed you on Twitter too!

  9. I already commented on this the other day...but just wanted to say thanks for linking up today to The Sunshine Project.

  10. friends are the bestest and make for such a sunshine-y heart! I love the look on your friends face when her little crab one lol, I love the dancing queen lol, now I'm belting it out ha, and you girlies are to young to be talking about retirement homes. You are gonna probably laugh at me but what is a hummer? The only one I know of is a car lol! You have such a sunshine post I love it! Thanks for linking up! Sums


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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