Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday...nature walks, books, pinterest, etc.

Things I am thinking about today...

  • I am so fortunate that this is the view I see when I look at out my back windows, as well as on the path when I take my daily walk. I love how the sun shines through the leaves, creating shadows on the path, yet it is shaded and cool on a hot, sunny day. Soon, the green leaves will change to red, yellow and orange and the sun will reflect these glorious, fall colors. I don't want to hurry summer, but in the woods, fall is just so pretty.
  • Speaking of fall, I saw this idea on Pinterest and immediately thought - why has this never occurred to me? I love the natural look of pumpkins and they fit perfectly on these chunky candlesticks. That is what I love about browsing through Pinterest - so many good ideas to find and share.
  • My book club read a really good book, that I want to recommend. If you liked The Help, I think you would like, The Space Between Us by Thrity Umrigar. This novel is set in modern day India and explores the vast differences between the classes in that country. The heroine is a servant , who lives in the slums of Mumbai and puts aside her pride daily, to serve an upper middle class family. The story is told from her point of view, as well as the point of view of family she serves. Her daily fight for survival and the struggles she goes through in her life, including her marriage, will inspire you.
  • It is a beautiful day today and I am off to go for a walk, with my puppy. How can you resist this face? Have a great Thursday :-)

Linking today with life of love


  1. Hi Vicki, The woods are lovely and as you say, beautiful now and even prettier in the days to come. Your puppy is adorable! Enjoy your day!

  2. The view - amazing.

    Those candlesticks and pumpkins are darling! I will for sure being copying that!

    Hope you enjoyed your walk with your baby! Have a great day.

  3. LOVE the view out the back window!

    Also, those candlestick pumpkins? Genius! Now if only fall would come quickly.

  4. Wow, what a gorgeous view! I'm so looking forward to fall this year. Love the pumpkins and the puppy! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and following. I'm returning the follow.

  5. I loved your blog...especially this one about walking and fall. Fall is m favorite time of the year. I used to live out in the country and I loved the way the colors all blended together to make up the scenery. I miss that now living in town.

    I am following you from the blog hop today. Would love for you to visit me on and give me a follow back...Thanks!

  6. Oh my. I just cannot wait for fall! The view in your backyard is just stunning and honestly wish there was more green out here in Arizona! Consider yourself lucky to see the changing leaves colors!! Love your positive vibe in this blog girl. Your newest follower!

    Follow back? Only if you want of course :)

    Cathy Trails

    P.S. Have a lovely weekend and looking forward to reading more of your posts!

  7. Hi there, I love a little nature walk! We live in the woods and it is really nice to take a peek out the window and see beauty all around!

    Great idea for the chunky candlesticks:) Thanks for sharing! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  8. What a great view! And a cute little puppy. I am visiting from the GFC Hop. Newest follower via GFC. I'd love for you to stop by my blog and follow back, when you get a chance. :)


  9. Hi Vicki~ FOllowing you back.. finally!!! had some issues with google connect! but, i'm here!

  10. love the pup, and the sun-dappled lane....

  11. The view of your back yard.

  12. What a view! You're so lucky! ;)

  13. Oh lucky you - what a view out of your window, it is lovely!!!
    Your wee dog is so cute :))

  14. Linda vista da janela!beijos,chica

  15. You have a lovely view, I love the trees and shadows. Your puppy is adorable. Thanks for sharing, have a great weekend.

  16. Your puppy is so cute! See my doggie at #25. I'm joining you and inviting some great blog buddies to do the same.

    Have a great weekend!

  17. Your puppy is so adorable Vicki. What a lovely green and pleasnt walk you can have with your dog so close to home.

  18. What a lovely view to have from your windows!! I've come over from Green Day to spend time with you and I'm so glad that I have.!! Joan

  19. I fell in love with your opening photo,
    I read your book review and you sold me on it.
    I like reading about different cultures.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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